Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

That day really screwed with some peoples’ heads. But when a majority of voters and every swing state completely disregarded it, I think those people owe it to themselves to take another look.
Voting is how we get change. Thats American and its patriotic.

I think that you are on to something with what you posted.


We may not like it 100% but i don’t think what the courts have done (criminal convictions) should be undone. If we allow ourselves to just undo what we call justice every time a new political party gets sworn in we can expect more problems.

It’s no more “right” than the Biden pardons.

There are even some democrats in Washington that don’t like the Biden pardons and i think this is why. It undermines the rule of law.
It was first reported as the "Capitol Riot". Then quickly changed to "Insurrection" for one and only one reason. Anyone leading an insurrection against our government cannot run for president. They decided then and there they would try and pin it to Trump.

Ray Epps needs to be put under a microscope. He's how the truth comes out.
Respectfully “WE” didn’t call it justice at the time. Some did, but we did not.

When justice is obviously 2-tiered like it’s been the last 4 years, I’m not sure there is a “we” anymore.
Bill, I don’t think you even marginally understand what happened that day.

I don’t think you have any understanding of what motivated these people to do what they did.

They were absolutely victims of conspiracy theories and misinformation.

They were manipulated. They allowed themselves to be manipulated. They weren’t strong, they were weak minded.

A lot of them are paying the price now. They are in prison because whether you like it or not, sometimes, some days, people hare held responsible for their actions.
Nonsense. Pure nonsense
Voting is how we get change. Thats American and its patriotic.

I think that you are on to something with what you posted.


We may not like it 100% but i don’t think what the courts have done (criminal convictions) should be undone. If we allow ourselves to just undo what we call justice every time a new political party gets sworn in we can expect more problems.

It’s no more “right” than the Biden pardons.

There are even some democrats in Washington that don’t like the Biden pardons and i think this is why. It undermines the rule of law.
They wouldn't be undoing justice, they be righting an injustice
Bill that is just not true.

The hours of videos of the windows being broken out, the doors being forced open by a mob are un-deniable.

It is 100% deniable, for you not to see that the majority of people prosecuted by the left is a political atrocity is undeniable.
Those poor schmucks were 100% pawns that were set up by agitators planted by the far left in the same scheme to try and keep Trump from ever being able to run for office again.

If you can’t see that you are either slow or so biased you are blinded by it. You even act like Ashli Babbit deserved to be killed!
The whole thing was a trap and politically motivated and conceived by the same folks that came up with the Russian dossier and all the other stupid falsehoods made up to be used against Trump.

It will be awesome when Trump pardons the majority of them the second he is in office. After all what are the bulk of them guilty of trespassing in a building they own? I hope they all get big settlements in the class action suit when they sue over it. Hopefully Ashli Babbitts family will get millions and the evil monsters that schemed all of the Jan 6 BS up and ran with it will be ferreted out and jailed for life.
Nothing has been more un-American than to jail your political opponents in a gulag (like North Korea)🇰🇵!! Force them to take a Covid shot, not properly bathe… some have been beaten . Treated worse that Rambo on First Blood… a few have already died and/or committed suicide.

It backfired on the Democrats and now a new Sheriff is in town !

Pardon time for Trump !!
I also want the Capital police officer, who got scared and shot unarmed Ashli at 3 feet, to be held accountable.

He is about to go under a huge microscope.
All the Capital Police that had anything to do with him have had their phones , phone records, computers, emails , social media accounts subpoenaed along with his. It’s going to be a very deeply investigated issue…a reckoning is coming.
We may not like it 100% but i don’t think what the courts have done (criminal convictions) should be undone. If we allow ourselves to just undo what we call justice every time a new political party gets sworn in we can expect more problems.
THIS. Do we change / alter / morph our laws like we change our underwear every time a new set of elected officials gets in??? That's not "law & order" ---- or rule of law. Which law??? Whose law??? That's called chaos. Your guy does "X" - he's dandy. Our guy does the same "X" they're a crook. Book definition of hypocrisy - and that goes both ways.
THIS. Do we change / alter / morph our laws like we change our underwear every time a new set of elected officials gets in??? That's not "law & order" ---- or rule of law. Which law??? Whose law??? That's called chaos. Your guy does "X" - he's dandy. Our guy does the same "X" they're a crook. Book definition of hypocrisy - and that goes both ways.

I agree 100% once we get our laws and prosecutors back where they should be. There is a guy on trial today for protecting citizens on a subway that should never had charges brought against him. All he did wrong was being born white, protecting people in the wrong city, from a black felon that was drugged up and died. Can't go back to the rule of law until the rule is fair. PERIOD
THIS. Do we change / alter / morph our laws like we change our underwear every time a new set of elected officials gets in??? That's not "law & order" ---- or rule of law. Which law??? Whose law??? That's called chaos. Your guy does "X" - he's dandy. Our guy does the same "X" they're a crook. Book definition of hypocrisy - and that goes both ways.
Difference is this regime and the left has no law in order unless it can help them politically.
I agree 100% once we get our laws and prosecutors back where they should be. There is a guy on trial today for protecting citizens on a subway that should never had charges brought against him. All he did wrong was being born white, protecting people in the wrong city, from a black felon that was drugged up and died. Can't go back to the rule of law until the rule is fair. PERIOD
Wish I could like this 1000 times.
Well said
I agree 100% once we get our laws and prosecutors back where they should be. There is a guy on trial today for protecting citizens on a subway that should never had charges brought against him. All he did wrong was being born white, protecting people in the wrong city, from a black felon that was drugged up and died. Can't go back to the rule of law until the rule is fair. PERIOD
How do you stand on CONVICTED FELONS and other convicted criminals? Only certain people get "privileges?" All laws until T hit the scene were wrong??? Plug in.
How do you stand on CONVICTED FELONS and other convicted criminals? Only certain people get "privileges?" All laws until T hit the scene were wrong??? Plug in.

No clue what your asking.
No clue what your asking.
Mr. T was convicted unanimously on 34 felony counts. By a jury of his peers. For breaking laws that were on the books for decades. Some of his administration picks are convicted criminals as well. In T-appointed judges' courts. So if anyone is for "law & order" - how do these convicts get a thumbs-up in the eyes of anyone???

Here's a FACT that's been in the news. For all those who say the DOJ is only out to get Republicans, the last 5 or 6 major political cases were against DEMOCRATS. And those folks deserve to get punished if they did break any laws. So how is that biased in favor of Democrats if the DOJ is only out to get Republicans??? The Dems seem to be getting lots of attention from DOJ prosecutors. (or is that OK, since they're Dems? - but if a Republican is prosecuted - that's bias in the DOJ?????) How does anyone think like that? Crime is crime - no matter what side commits it.

I won't disagree with you Bill, on the guy protecting citizens in a subway. I don't care what color his skin was - black, white, or striped. A crook is a crook is a crook. Same goes for political parties and anyone in any of them. The only way we get things right is to apply the laws - as they've been established on the books - to everyone ..... and not look the other way for any political figure we happen to like in any given moment. If we change our laws to suit any political whims or pressures - we lose "the rule of law" - and all of us become subject to the "flavor-of-the-day" dictated by whoever is in power at a given time. By any definition, that's not law & order. That's the kind of "law" places like Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, etc. have in place. What if Dems had control of all 3 branches of government - would it be OK if they changed laws, judges, fired everyone at the DOJ, FBI, and went after any Republicans they didn't like?? Hell no, it wouldn't be right or ethical. IMO - if a D, an R, an I, an L, or Green Party person breaks any laws - they're a crook. PERIOD. No special treatments based on politics.

The idea / thought process where if their guy does "X" - he's a crook, needs to be in prison - - - - but if our guy does the same "X" - that's no big deal ..... it's all made up ..... is called hypocritical corruption. The dictionary definition of a hypocrite is when anyone applies rules or laws to others - but not themselves. Fact.

I have no animosity toward anyone on here. My blood pressure is nice and low. I hate no one. God Bless the U.S.A. Have a good day all.
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Mr. T was convicted unanimously on 34 felony counts. By a jury of his peers. For breaking laws that were on the books for decades. Some of his administration picks are convicted criminals as well. In T-appointed judges' courts. So if anyone is for "law & order" - how do these convicts get a thumbs-up in the eyes of anyone???

Here's a FACT that's been in the news. For all those who say the DOJ is only out to get Republicans, the last 5 or 6 major political cases were against DEMOCRATS. And those folks deserve to get punished if they did break any laws. So how is that biased in favor of Democrats if the DOJ is only out to get Republicans??? The Dems seem to be getting lots of attention from DOJ prosecutors. (or is that OK, since they're Dems? - but if a Republican is prosecuted - that's bias in the DOJ?????) How does anyone think like that? Crime is crime - no matter what side commits it.

I won't disagree with you Bill, on the guy protecting citizens in a subway. I don't care what color his skin was - black, white, or striped. A crook is a crook is a crook. Same goes for political parties and anyone in any of them. The only way we get things right is to apply the laws - as they've been established on the books - to everyone ..... and not look the other way for any political figure we happen to like in any given moment. If we change our laws to suit any political whims or pressures - we lose "the rule of law" - and all of us become subject to the "flavor-of-the-day" dictated by whoever is in power at a given time. By any definition, that's not law & order. That's the kind of "law" places like Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, etc. have in place. What if Dems had control of all 3 branches of government - would it be OK if they changed laws, judges, fired everyone at the DOJ, FBI, and went after any Republicans they didn't like?? Hell no, it wouldn't be right or ethical. IMO - if a D, an R, an I, an L, or Green Party person breaks any laws - they're a crook. PERIOD. No special treatments based on politics.

The idea / thought process where if their guy does "X" - he's a crook, needs to be in prison - - - - but if our guy does the same "X" - that's no big deal ..... it's all made up ..... is called hypocritical corruption. The dictionary definition of a hypocrite is when anyone applies rules or laws to others - but not themselves. Fact.

I have no animosity toward anyone on here. My blood pressure is nice and low. I hate no one. God Bless the U.S.A. Have a good day all.

Both sides are dirty as the day is long. Government workers that are in certain roles are Statists and only care about expanding the government. Just look at all of the private property that has been naught by the government over the past ten years. ( Also include any easements that have been purchased )

It’s Us v Them always has been always will be. Or at least until the last piece of private property has been purchased. It won’t happen overnight but these people care for nothing except power and have no problem whatsoever running a long con.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I used to think so too... And then we had the 2020 "election." Could care less if the capitol and all the pedophiles inside it burnt to the ground.
Buck said it best. Bulldoze it and start fresh.
Mr. T was convicted unanimously on 34 felony counts. By a jury of his peers. For breaking laws that were on the books for decades. Some of his administration picks are convicted criminals as well. In T-appointed judges' courts. So if anyone is for "law & order" - how do these convicts get a thumbs-up in the eyes of anyone???

Here's a FACT that's been in the news. For all those who say the DOJ is only out to get Republicans, the last 5 or 6 major political cases were against DEMOCRATS. And those folks deserve to get punished if they did break any laws. So how is that biased in favor of Democrats if the DOJ is only out to get Republicans??? The Dems seem to be getting lots of attention from DOJ prosecutors. (or is that OK, since they're Dems? - but if a Republican is prosecuted - that's bias in the DOJ?????) How does anyone think like that? Crime is crime - no matter what side commits it.

I won't disagree with you Bill, on the guy protecting citizens in a subway. I don't care what color his skin was - black, white, or striped. A crook is a crook is a crook. Same goes for political parties and anyone in any of them. The only way we get things right is to apply the laws - as they've been established on the books - to everyone ..... and not look the other way for any political figure we happen to like in any given moment. If we change our laws to suit any political whims or pressures - we lose "the rule of law" - and all of us become subject to the "flavor-of-the-day" dictated by whoever is in power at a given time. By any definition, that's not law & order. That's the kind of "law" places like Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, etc. have in place. What if Dems had control of all 3 branches of government - would it be OK if they changed laws, judges, fired everyone at the DOJ, FBI, and went after any Republicans they didn't like?? Hell no, it wouldn't be right or ethical. IMO - if a D, an R, an I, an L, or Green Party person breaks any laws - they're a crook. PERIOD. No special treatments based on politics.

The idea / thought process where if their guy does "X" - he's a crook, needs to be in prison - - - - but if our guy does the same "X" - that's no big deal ..... it's all made up ..... is called hypocritical corruption. The dictionary definition of a hypocrite is when anyone applies rules or laws to others - but not themselves. Fact.

I have no animosity toward anyone on here. My blood pressure is nice and low. I hate no one. God Bless the U.S.A. Have a good day all.
A jury of his peers LOL. Put that trial anywhere else and the results are different. How do you not see that?