chestnut spraying


5 year old buck +
Even though my chestnut trees say blight resistant do I need to spray? Spay schedule? And what do you guys prefer to use as your fungicide spay? How about pesticide? I quite some time ago with growing stone fruit here in e Texas because it was very frustrating to watch my trees get hammered buy bugs, critters, fungus, and or some kind of disease all because I do not live there. When I retire i''l start again. That is why I went with chestnut, persimmon and keifer pears. Much less maintenance? Is my research correct?
The only thing I've ever sprayed my chestnuts for is jap beetles when trees are smaller, I use Sevin as soon as I see any on them.
I don't think there is anything you can spray for blight. Like H20, the only think I sprayed for was to keep the jap beetles from defoliating them when they were young. I like permethrin for that. I found It lasted much longer than Sevin. Both will kill them, but the permethrin kept the beetles away much longer. Keep in mind that this was only when the trees were young and not producing nuts. Now that my trees are a bit older and larger, they seem to be able to tolerate the bugs much better.
......remind me

I need to bump up that rootmaker chestnut thread
