Broke a guys heart permission to track denied

Bummer. Looks like a young deer.
I’m guessing 3 year old. He was on my no go list. Told my son he could but honestly he wasn’t all pumped up to kill him. He had his eyes on bigger deer and got it.

Any pics of him the year before? Always fun to track progress.

Any pics of him the year before? Always fun to track progress.
No he wouldn’t have stood out as anything other a slightly large 8.

It's an Ok buck, not a "nice" buck for that area. Bucks like that are a dime a dozen in Bill's area. It would have been a nice buck...

maybe not a dime a dozen but he wasn’t setting any records in N. MO. Other places in the county he would a monster.

The guy who shot him seemed very excited that he was getting his deer. For all I know it’s the biggest he’s ever killed.
Wonder how it would work if your son hit the buck he was after, and it run to that small piece of land and died there...... and then you would have to tell your son he isn't able to track it any further and permission not granted so you dont ruin a day of hunting for that other hunter.
Wonder how it would work if your son hit the buck he was after, and it run to that small piece of land and died there...... and then you would have to tell your son he isn't able to track it any further and permission not granted so you dont ruin a day of hunting for that other hunter.

it would have worked the same in reverse.
A man who payed in full for his land got to make a decision about his land.
it would have worked the same in reverse.
A man who payed in full for his land got to make a decision about his land.
Amen. What’s mine is mine and yours is yours. I’m not in to sharing. Respect my privacy cause I’m going to respect yours.
Wonder how it would work if your son hit the buck he was after, and it run to that small piece of land and died there...... and then you would have to tell your son he isn't able to track it any further and permission not granted so you dont ruin a day of hunting for that other hunter.

I was a "nice" guy once. Thought I could trust my neighbor as he called me about a buck he wounded with an arrow that jumped over the fence on my property.

btw ... his stand is 20 yards off my line ... but I digress.

Told him he could go in alone and if no blood 50 yards from the fence, back out. He agreed.

Found out later he brought in 2 friends and a dog and walked the entire 1/4 mile of creek bottom that I keep as a sanctuary. Reason I found out is I ran into my of the guys who helped and he said "I like that stand you have in there near that big oak, must be great hunting". That stand was over a 1/4 mile from my fence line and they never found blood.

btw ... in last 6 years he has now wounded 4 deer like above.

They didn't ruin a day, they screwed my creek bottom up for weeks .... never again ... learn to shoot and make a kill shot.
Man time flys this was 4 years ago. Anyway the guy who owns this 40 with the 6 acres of timber next to me never hunted deer until this year. He likes turkey hunting better. (or did)

Anyway he called me yesterday afternoon and said he shot his first buck. Said it was small but he's never shot one. Deer jumped my fence and he said its bleeding good and hit hard. I told him go get it and he did. Texted me later that it only made 20 yards into my place.

See I'm not always an A-hole, only when I should be 😜 😆
I got a text last night asking to track a deer on our place. Said they had good blood. They asked a few years ago and never found it. I was not in a great mood so instead of being an asshole right off the bat I asked where it crossed into our place as they live across the street on 3 acres and he mentioned our field which isn’t near their house. He sent a photo with an X. He was hunting the neighbors to our south. I said go ahead and he found it in our field. Glad I didn’t tell him no! We haven’t even deer hunted that place this year yet but might this week with the gun. At least they asked!
Are you gonna update the thread again next yr? Maybe we can do a 50/50 where there's a lucky winner and the other half goes to an admin? ;)
Deer jumped my fence and he said its bleeding good and hit hard. I told him go get it and he did.
I know it's a pain, but I've found if I at all can, I will go track with them. They behave better.

Drones have also helped with that. Had a neighbor call and say "we flew a drone and found it dead on yours 120 yards from the road"

I told him to quick go get it and get out.
I know it's a pain, but I've found if I at all can, I will go track with them. They behave better.

Drones have also helped with that. Had a neighbor call and say "we flew a drone and found it dead on yours 120 yards from the road"

I told him to quick go get it and get out.
Are you at all bothered that they were searching your property with a drone without telling you or did they ask first?
Drones have also helped with that. Had a neighbor call and say "we flew a drone and found it dead on yours 120 yards from the road"
Great call. I would stand behind access of a good hunter who had there kill drone located....I would not behind a dog track.
Are you at all bothered that they were searching your property with a drone without telling you or did they ask first?
Unfortunately unless you own thousands of acres it’s physically impossible to not cover all of your neighbors by sitting in one place. On my 300 acre tract I could sit in the middle and see deer on all my neighbors.
Are you at all bothered that they were searching your property with a drone without telling you or did they ask first?

Pretty hard to regulate. It is most likely Class G federal airspace, and drones are considered aircraft. Not that it will happen, but shooting down a drone can fall under FAA jurisdiction, similar to shooting at other aircraft.

Do you guys get upset when an airplane or helicopter flies over?
Pretty hard to regulate. It is most likely Class G federal airspace, and drones are considered aircraft. Not that it will happen, but shooting down a drone can fall under FAA jurisdiction, similar to shooting at other aircraft.

Do you guys get upset when an airplane or helicopter flies over?
used to be a guy in the neighborhood that flew an ultralight. He leased his farm to out of state guys for rifle and then looked for somewhere else to hunt while they were there. I never liked seeing that thing fly over my farm low.
Comparing a drone to an airplane or helicopter is like comparing a remote control boat to a carnival cruise liner
Comparing a drone to an airplane or helicopter is like comparing a remote control boat to a carnival cruise liner

Not according to the FAA. Again, like I said, probably won't happen, but could. Occasionally the FAA like to make an example of someone, there are plenty of instances that I'm sure you could find. I may know what I'm talking about on this one...
Pretty hard to regulate. It is most likely Class G federal airspace, and drones are considered aircraft. Not that it will happen, but shooting down a drone can fall under FAA jurisdiction, similar to shooting at other aircraft.

Do you guys get upset when an airplane or helicopter flies over?
if a helicopter hovered above my land looking for a deer, yeah, I'd be pissed.
I have been following this thread with interest. On Saturday I received a call from my wife during my final day of deer camp saying a nieghbor wanted permission to track a deer his son shot that went on our property. A few minutes later another neighbor said he saw the son shoot the deer on our property. He confirmed there were two shoots, about a half minute apart. Well, it turns out I had the deer in question on camera, and believe the original shoot was on their property, as that would be a normal travel route of this deer. While it is possible the follow-up shot was on our property, it may have been on their property.

Given no-one was hunting the property that day, I gave permission. A few minutes later I had the deer on another camera. The shot was clearly poor, and the search needed to be suspended for 24 hours (see picture below). They agreed to pull out and let the deer expire, and I told them by phone that I would be happy to help retrieve the deer the next day. Due to the cold front, I assured them the meat would be OK. This was their first experience with a gut shot deer, so I explained the process.


When I contacted the father the next day I was informed “we went back in and looked for the deer and didn’t find it, so we are filling our tag on another deer.” Sure enough, they bumped the wounded deer where it was bedded, which in its home range bed, and it left our property. Sadly, this buck will now die and rot! Grrr.

Lesson: I am putting together written guidelines for access. Therefore, if I am not home, my wife can provide the guidelines. Items I will include are:
1) Permission will be granted when it does not interfere with ongoing hunts. Only permission via text or email will be valid, and only on the day of the recovery.
2) A review of cell camera data will be undertaken before the search begins
3) If possible, I will assist with the recovery.
4) Each recovery visit to the property (even for the same animal or on the same day) will require permission via email or text
5) Permission may be withdrawn at any time for any reason by the landowner
6) No use of vehicles (including UTVs, ATVs).
7) Use of drones or dogs will require additional permission by the landowner after speaking with drone and/or dog owner/operator.

I’d be interested in what others might add or remove to this list.
To 356's list above:
Permission must go both ways too. I a sure there are a number of "one Way Willys" out there.
Not a habitual offender.
One person, not a crowd.
Weapon type, being loaded and use would be discretional based on the injury and location.

Shooting down a drone is a felony. It will be my first felony if in range.