Broadcast, 2 rains, 2 weeks, no germination

Victor Van Meter

5 year old buck +
We have been having a serious drought here so during the last rain I broadcast brassicas into bare dirt. The following week was no rain, but temps were not high. It rained again at the end of the first week, a good soaking rain. This was followed again by a week of sun with temps that were not high. I checked yesterday and all three plots I planted showed zero germination. Am I being too impatient? Thanks for the info.

Give it another week or two. A lot depends on the daytime temps which need to be probably 65 F or higher.
Give it another week or two. A lot depends on the daytime temps which need to be probably 65 F or higher.
There have been several nights in the 40s and daytime temps in the 70s. Hot again though over the next couple days.
If you had serious drought, the soil is dry. A couple rains aren't going to be enough to get broadcast seed to germinate with no topsoil moisture.
If that was here, I'd be seeing plants already. How much rain actually was the good soaking rain? If I had a nickel for every time I've heard a city slicker say we got a big hard rain, when in reality it was half a tenth but it poured for 20 seconds. Not saying that's you.
They would have germinated 4 days after it rained. If it was me I would plan on re seeding before it rains.
If that was here, I'd be seeing plants already. How much rain actually was the good soaking rain? If I had a nickel for every time I've heard a city slicker say we got a big hard rain, when in reality it was half a tenth but it poured for 20 seconds. Not saying that's you.
We had several hours of rain both times.
They would have germinated 4 days after it rained. If it was me I would plan on re seeding before it rains.
That was my thoughts, but I have never dealt with these kind of conditions before.

If it ever rains again, none in the forecast for the next 10 days, I will put rye and the rest of the brassicas down and hope to have something for the deer to eat at some point.
For what it worth- I had the same deal in OH last fall with cereals. I think the soil was too hard/crusted. In the spring I had a killer stand despite the duration, baking and birds.

This year there, it just hasn't rained enough to sustain much if anything. Will seed during season and hope my timing leads to growth
This weekend I am close to Columbus, OH. Normally, I am a plant-now guy. After talking to some people here and looking at data and The Drought Monitor history. I would stop planting. In the last 25 years it has never been this severely dry this time of year. The locals say it’s the worst in 75 years.
I’m not saying this is the case but my recent WR planting had the soil prepped right, I planted heavy, drug and packed it twice. I had great soil moisture with warm days and cool nights. But almost nothing germinated in 7 days.

I also jumped a flock of 50+ crows, a couple dozen barn pigeons, and 20 or so turkeys when I went to check my plots.

Sooooooo 😂
Most brassicas require to be covered with some amount of soil- rape ~1/2", turnips ~ 1/8"-1/4", radish ~1/8" - 1/4", Kale ~1/4"-1/2".
Also some brassicas (particularly rape) will not germinate due to residuals from herbicides. Wait a couple weeks after Gly application.
One time I planted Dwarf Essex Rape which was coming along well except my broadcasting left bare spots, the supplier had sold out of D.E. variety and I opted for Trophy Winter Rape instead. The T.W. variety never took. I found out the hard way that you cannot mix Rapeseed with canola (a hybrid) -germination will not occur.
I’ve never had an issue surface broadcasting the vast majority of food plot seeds.

Soso success with beans and sunflowers
Never any problems

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I’ve never had an issue surface broadcasting the vast majority of food plot seeds.

Soso success with beans and sunflowers
Never any problems

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I have also had good success with broadcasting the above with exception of beans & sunflowers. Below are broadcasted radishes & turnips.

What rate did you broadcast? I have to up the rate significantly when I broadcast
What did you broadcast them into? How much thatch?

At his point I would spread rye and lightly disc if you don't have a seed drill. IF you have alot of land, be worth renting one.

One member has a rye trick. Soak the rye in water for 24 hours, then broadcast. I'd do that right before a rain if possible. could be a bumper crop of deer. I am suspecting acorns by you aren't good.

Had a drought summer one year. Watered my little 1/2 acre food plot a corner a day and watered 2 nice oaks. Half the town's deer were in my little spot creating havoc. Great ealry bow season at that house
I was out there yesterday and there is still no germination and the ground sends up a puff of dust with every step. I have never seen it this dry. I am sure what seed that was left has been eaten by birds.

Of course, the extended forecast is showing rain on opening day!
Doesn't sound too good for your plots this year but if you have water anywhere that's where I'd be hunting.
You have plenty of time to replant something if there is rain in the forecast. I’m in Minnesota and a good share of the corn hasn’t been chopped yet and I haven’t seen anyone planting their fall cover crop yet. Most of them will be soon and their rye has no problem overwintering.

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I just got back from the Ohio State Farm Science Review. A good read if you have the time. Anyhow, I was in Ohio at the center of what The Drought Monitor calls extreme drought, I was stunned. This isn't my normal advice, but I wouldn't plant anything this fall. Any moisture from rainfall is going to go two ways. Surface moisture is going to evaporate quickly. Any moisture remaining in the soil is moving deep into the soil. And I don't think there can be enough soil moisture in the top inch or two to germinate anything. It dumbfounded me. I don't think I have seen anything like it.