terminated white clover with Amine 400 2 4 D in preparation to broadcast brassicas in a few weeks (no till)

Well you guys were right on patience. I don’t have as many brassicas growing as I’d hoped but they are growing. We are getting some much needed rain now and for the next few days so I am pumped to have a nice stand of clover with brassicas growing within which was my original hope.


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Honestly I didn't measure and never have. I know I should but I've always had success when applying gly, cleth and now 2 4 D just kind of eyeballing it..I had to fill the tank up several times to spray the entire 1/2 acre plot

I do something similar, usually with good results. I do make sure to blend the herbicide to the right concentration, usually a bit on the hot side.

But what I do instead of eyeballing it is to use two ropes, each with a post tied to the end. Then I put the ropes as far apart as the arc I can reach with the spray wand. Once I spray a lane, I leapfrog the far rope over to create a new lane. It takes a bit longer, but it always works about 95%. There are always a couple small green patches I go back and get after a couple weeks.
I do something similar, usually with good results. I do make sure to blend the herbicide to the right concentration, usually a bit on the hot side.

But what I do instead of eyeballing it is to use two ropes, each with a post tied to the end. Then I put the ropes as far apart as the arc I can reach with the spray wand. Once I spray a lane, I leapfrog the far rope over to create a new lane. It takes a bit longer, but it always works about 95%. There are always a couple small green patches I go back and get after a couple weeks.
If anything I go lean…like you said you can go back and spot spray
Every time I go back, I am more and more pleased. I guess my sloppy methods are working lol I overseeded 50lbs of Winter Rye into the bare spots. I think a plot with clover, turnips and rye will be amazing. September 30th can’t come soon enough!


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So, I broadcast 50lbs of Winter Rye last Saturday and we had a good soaking of rain Sunday. I was pumped but when I went Thursday to check on it there was nothing growing...I can only guess birds ate all that seed? I hear nothing but how it grows literally anywhere so I was pumped to see lots of rye growing. We had the soaking half day rain event Sunday and since then very sunny days and dew-soaked mornings every day since. I saw nothing new growing and only a few spots of seeds that hadn't germinated. Any thoughts? Should I broadcast more? Wait? Based on what I've read, I should already have germination but saw none...
If it was sown rather dense, I would wait. If it was sown a bit sparse, I would probably put down more anyway.
Put some of that seed into a wet paper towel....fold it up and stick it in a plastic bag. Should know if the seed is good in two days. I do this most times when I seed a new crop. Stops the wondering. I do wonder if you have some issues with plant back with that 2-4d. How long ago and at what rate did you apply that herbicide?
Put some of that seed into a wet paper towel....fold it up and stick it in a plastic bag. Should know if the seed is good in two days. I do this most times when I seed a new crop. Stops the wondering. I do wonder if you have some issues with plant back with that 2-4d. How long ago and at what rate did you apply that herbicide?
I sprayed that back in mid July the 14th I believe and I didn't really measure but it was on the light side if anything. Also if the 24D was a problem I wouldn't think the turnips would be growing but who knows...I broadcast 50lbs but I have some in my truck bed that spilled. I'll try the paper towel trick. Thanks guys
Be patient. While we talk of 3, 4, or 5 day germination i think 7 to 10 days is more typical. And different varities have different time lines. By the way, 2,4-d is a broadleaf herbicide. Rye is in the grass family.
Be patient. While we talk of 3, 4, or 5 day germination i think 7 to 10 days is more typical. And different varities have different time lines. By the way, 2,4-d is a broadleaf herbicide. Rye is in the grass family.
This. Top sewing rye into plants takes much more time. It will come with some good rains that push seed into ground.

With top dressing rye you will always get better germination with a drag, light discing, or just running tires over area. It won’t hurt clover, actually will help it long term. Also, have to raise your rates a ton. 50lbs an acre probably needs to be 150-200lbs an acre.
I sprayed that back in mid July the 14th I believe and I didn't really measure but it was on the light side if anything. Also if the 24D was a problem I wouldn't think the turnips would be growing but who knows...I broadcast 50lbs but I have some in my truck bed that spilled. I'll try the paper towel trick. Thanks guys
Always listen to farmer. He’s the real deal while most of the rest of us are hobby farmers.
I put a few seeds in a plastic bag with a wet paper towel as suggested and two days later I got nothing…idk if that means the seeds are duds? I got the seeds at a good ag store that’s been around a long time. We got more good rain over the weekend and today. Patience is key I’m hoping.
I checked the seeds I put in a wet paper towel again a day later and they germinated so patience is key here. Another good rain today here in SW PA. I'll get out this wknd to hunt and see what's what.
So I hunted opening day afternoon sit, I rattled a nice 8 out of the corn but he never came closer than 60 yards or so. He needs another year imo. Saw 2 other rack bucks way off and 2 doe. Great first sit. I did check on my plot and they are already hammering the turnips and the greens. I doubt I'll have any for late season. The WR seeds after 2 weeks are just sitting there....so frustrating. I imagine some compaction would have done the trick although I've heard how they grow anywhere!? Anywhere but my plot! haha there has been good rain and lots of sunshine. That is the buck I rattled in. Cell pic and trail cam pic.


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So after more heavy rains I finally have germination...like I keep saying, patience is key. I was just frustrated hearing how WR will grow so easily and almost anywhere!? We've been getting a lot of rain in SWPA and it sprouted finally. Good thing cause they are hammering the few turnips I did get to grow. Hopefullly the rye will get me through the seaon. Most activity is at night currently. I'll get some pics after it greens up a bit.