terminated white clover with Amine 400 2 4 D in preparation to broadcast brassicas in a few weeks (no till)

Here is my good brassica plot. I tend to over seed so I’m happy with the spacing finally. Might not Peter out on me after 30 days this year from overcrowding.



Ya I'll post a few in a bit
What could go wrong?
Look asshole I'm a single father who works full time. I do what I can, when I can. I don't appreciate your comments. I've had great success in making numerous foodplots. If you don't have anything nice to say just shut up how bout that!?
I literally said the same thing as Farmer Dan and others, but if my post angered you that much, i guess that's on me. Good luck with your brassicas.
Seems that they start really growing when the temps start to cool off some.
I took a pic of my brassica today......where I had terminated the clover on about July 1 and drilled brassica on July 11. The clover is rebounding now.....as the brassica is super slow to grow....due to lack of rainfall. Now I got grass coming too (in some areas). Thought about hitting it with cleth.....but with this heat coming....not sure it is a great idea. Enough stress on stuff now.tempImage4CIYUq.jpg
I appreicite your sarcasm gentlemen but it's not helpful. I didn't measure rainfall but we had good rain. A few downpours, a few rainy days and some showers. I was very pleased with the amount of rain. As far as the nuking, if I applied too much or didn't wait long enough, why is there a few brassicas coming up? A good bit of the clover is green and coming back. I am going to spread another 2 lbs over the bare dirt/dead grass and hope for the best. Last resort I'll spread WR like I said.
I've thought about this and here in front of everyone I want to humbly apologize for for any bad feelings you have experienced as a result of my response. I did think about how I responded and initially judged it to be too sharp. But an hour later I felt like there were some valuable points to offer in the form I presented. I realize I did it at your expense and offer my personal misgivings in retrospect.

This is a very polite forum where conflicts rarely arise in a hard-edged way.

You provided a valuable lesson and it too is my mission. Sometimes that means I might resort to conscious colorful responses. If that works or not I don't know. I guess God and history will judge.

My best wishes Viking!
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Here are a few pics. The green is clover I didn't get a good kill on and it's coming back nicely. I only posted one pic of a brassica growing. There are very few that I noticed...debating overseeding with a few more lbs or just letting it be. I've only ever tilled then planted so this is a first for me with no till. Froggy your plot looks great with all the clover and brassica! That was my hope but I don't have a drill.
Any thoughts after seeing pics?? Should I broadcast a few more pounds into the plot? We got more significant rains last night...
Any thoughts after seeing pics?? Should I broadcast a few more pounds into the plot? We got more significant rains last night...
It would be good if you could have broadcast seeds ahead of that rain you had. Or.....maybe you got a cultipacker? or a drag? to run over it after scattering more seeds. Anything to help get the seeds through the thatch and improve seed to soil contact. I would think the plant back time for 24-d should be much better.
It would be pointless, imo, to put any seed where there's still green. I'd doubt anything is going to get established in those areas. If you're not seeing much of anything in the bare/brown areas I'd maybe put a little more out before a rain. Pack or drag if possible.
Ya I wouldn't broadcast seed into the green clover. There was timely rain after the initial planting but not good results. I can go tonight after work to see if there is anything else coming up and if it looks the same I'll throw some into the dead thatch and bare dirt. I'll try using the 4 wheeler to get a little seed to soil contact. Thanks guys.
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Well I was a little happier I noticed far more turnips coming up a few days later. This was last night. I did broadcast another half pound or so into the bare spots and we had a good downpour overnight so I'm a little more optimistic


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meant to post this not the one from above showing the dead thatch and clover...like I said, I was happy as there were far more brassicas I could see than just a few days ago.


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Yup, you just have to be patient with throw and mow. If you are getting rain, it'll come. It's just a slow starter sometimes with that method.
I've been know to cut a tree down and drag it around when a cultipacker wasn't handy. Results were pretty good. Even a cattle panel with some weight behind a atv works.
I typically use a pallet to drag behind my quad but didn’t want to hurt any of the new growth…
I've been know to cut a tree down and drag it around when a cultipacker wasn't handy. Results were pretty good. Even a cattle panel with some weight behind a atv works.