Houston we have lift off .....and now rain !!!


5 year old buck +
Well a week ago Saturday I finished planting (into bare dirt from dirt pan work) my fall plots of Brassicas, Legumes and a bit of oats ...

Yesterday we put up a new Muddy Blind and as I passed the plots there was wonderful green stripes as far as the eye could see in the press wheel valleys ...

Being a row crop guy in the past ..close inspection showed me the oats which I have used but saw 5 kinds of new leaves nicely mixed within and beside the same press wheel valley ..
But we were dry when I planted and stayed dry ..too dry with what having popped out nearing lack of moisture danger ..but towards dark an out of no where rain has hit and has been a good steady rain now for about 3 hours ..that is good

The other good is after the blind install and since I already had my cereal Rye seed at the farm I went ahead and broadcast 100lbs/AC yesterday ..hence the rain is good again ...however

I am concerned that with no plant litter for the Rye to go into that the Rye germination will be poor ..I am thinking I should have drilled it when I drilled the rest but conventional wisdom would say get the the small seed up then hit the Rye ..which is likely fine if it is not going on bare ground ...we shall see

Nope, you're good. Rye grows in the back of my truck with no litter and I have a cap on the truck..
Man plans!
God laughs!

God is good!
Good = Rye!
Well I have to bow to experience as I have no experience whatsoever with Cereal Rye

Sounds like it all worked out, I normally like to give the brassicas about a month or more head start on the rye, but your results may vary.

I have also always broadcasted rye onto bare ground between bean rows or bare spots in brassicas and had great germination/success. You should be good there!
Well I have to bow to experience as I have no experience whatsoever with Cereal Rye


WR (winter or cereal rye) is about the easiest seed you can plot. It will germinate on top of the soil with no additional work.
Music to my ears gentlemen!