Crimping Crimson % of Success


5 year old buck +
Rain rain rain river bottoms dirt panned last year are finally looking not so hurtful !
The food plot portions are heavy Cereal Rye with good mass/heads 4+' tall along with 4 clovers and a bit of Wheat and remnant brassicas
This spring's no-till planting will be the Green Cover Summer Release which brings me to to my question ..
After planting I will roll crimp to kill off the Cereal Rye ..the question is ..can I expect the roll crimping to kill the crimson clover off also ??
Hopefully someone has roll crimped crimson clover ..I know for sure I want the rye dead and hopefully the crimson down with it ?
I mentioned rain ..not only is everything growing like krazy but I am going to see and possibly be through the rye dough stage before June and it is way too wet to plant any time soon ...

Rain rain rain river bottoms dirt panned last year are finally looking not so hurtful !
The food plot portions are heavy Cereal Rye with good mass/heads 4+' tall along with 4 clovers and a bit of Wheat and remnant brassicas
This spring's no-till planting will be the Green Cover Summer Release which brings me to to my question ..
After planting I will roll crimp to kill off the Cereal Rye ..the question is ..can I expect the roll crimping to kill the crimson clover off also ??
Hopefully someone has roll crimped crimson clover ..I know for sure I want the rye dead and hopefully the crimson down with it ?
I mentioned rain ..not only is everything growing like krazy but I am going to see and possibly be through the rye dough stage before June and it is way too wet to plant any time soon ...

I’ve had good success killing mature crimson clover with crimper. It is considered a clover that will terminate with crimper.
Far as mature goes, do you wait for the seed heads to go brown/black?
Not sure who you are asking BBB but my problem is the red has already turned red to brown which must mean the seed is in or the beginning of the final stage of maturity which I don't want because my cereal rye is not quite a dough stage PLUS rain rain rain I cannot get in my summer cover crop as too wet and rye not ready to be crimped yet

Bear have you crimped your rye yet.
Bear have you crimped your rye yet.
Yes Sir and thank you for asking ..I planted 5/31/2024 and then went immediately over it with my crimper ..the rye was color of ripening wheat but the field after crimping looked good in the thatch department ..


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Bear that's awesome. What part of USA do you live. I can't crimp my rye until 4th of July because of no vacation at new job. Hope it won't be too late. I am amazed at how your rye looks like wheat