I'd do nothing for now until early summer. Guessing here, but think you need some plant control before you plant desired species. A round or two of gly.
What equipment do you have to work with? Tractor ATV implements sprayer seed or lime spreaders.
5.5 pH and clay, going to need atleast a ton/acre of lime if not 2. Atleast 2 or 3 years at 1/2 ton /acre.
Get any soil samples. Besides the pH, you might have something quite low. OVerall, do you think your soil is good, or is poor. What grases / weeds do you have there?
No reason you can't do spring or early summer rye.
Cheap implement for my ATV I love, tire drag. Bolt 3 pcikup truck tires together. Cut a hole or two around the tire bead so you can ratchet strap down 100-200lbs of logs on top. Geat cultipacker, plant knock down no-til tool. Get some 1.5" long 1/2" bolts, washers an nuts. About 8 a tire, scratches the soil a touch, knocks down high spots to level the plot a bit.
Brought mine home from camp, bolting on a metal bracket where I can slide in a metal rod that holds a sprayer nozzle.
Far as what to plant, your soil sample might help. See what can improve your soil, need phosphrus? buckwheat helps. Pottasium pretty low, then wouldn't use oat for awhile. Rye n medium clover. Something easy and cheap, so if you need t lime more or spray gly again you wont feel so bad.
Clovers I go for 4-6 different ones ladino, medium red, berseem, blasana. IF your going to respray the plot, dutch white might be pretty good for a year or two. Spray gly and 2,4d together before a fall plot will kill most of it. Control invasives, but some weeds are beneficial. Seen deer prefer certain nweeds vs what we would consider good stuff in the plot or on AG ground.