Brassicas doing well into December


5 year old buck +
This was only my 2nd year food plotting and the first year for good brassica plots. With the lack of snow and warm weather the deer are still working my plots pretty good. A few weeks ago I really couldn't see any turnips on top and thought the plot was finished but they're digging up turnips all over. This time last year the snow was thigh deep out there. I really like the aroma from down wind of the plots.


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It's a pretty thing to see. We got our first plot going this year and it looks like that as well.
My turnips are still not touched at home and those in 172 had not been touched in deer season. They usually get use up there.
I hear a lot of about deer not eating turnips until they get exposed for a couple of years but up here they took right to them, as well as anything else I plant. Certainly not picky about it. If it's green they eat it. smsmith, I really do like that aroma. Find it somewhat invigorating while sitting there.
With the thaw we are having, very curious to see if the deer are back hitting my rye/brassica plots. (tomorrow's dilemma; go up in the stand or help my wife organize. Basically deer hunting or sex :D). Frozen crust on top, along with 8-10" of snow cover, made those plots useless. My third year with PTT and zero usage. I am done with them and going to all GHR in the mix.
Fish, that doesn't seem like much of a dilemma, win-win either way in my book!;):D You may want to give the green globe turnips a try. Not sure if you would get any more use from them, but it might be worth a try for diversities sake. Also, do you use any other types of the leafy forage brassicas, like rape, kale, or any of the hybrids like T-raptor? The deer at our old place ate every type we tried, so PPT were not an issue, but they ate the rape and GHR first and formost. We planted Barkant forage turnips a couple times and they really seemed to take to those as well, they ate both the leaf and the large bulbs. We also had good use with the Appin forage turnips they are a lot of leaf and smaller bulbs, but once the deer ate the leaves down to the crown, they would just pop the small bulb out of the ground and eat them whole. If you haven't tried any of the other varieties, don't give up on them yet, PPT's may not be the ticket, but there are other alternatives out there.
Cake or "pie", either way win-win.;):D
Good idea on the different varieties. So cheap and easy to plant. It's worth a try.

By the way it was a very good morning. Looks like I will get my cake and eat it too, so to speak. Leaving for the land around noon today ;)


You ain' t plant'n turnips today.

forget the hunt'n and stay home and work on the garden.
With the thaw we are having, very curious to see if the deer are back hitting my rye/brassica plots. (tomorrow's dilemma; go up in the stand or help my wife organize. Basically deer hunting or sex :D). Frozen crust on top, along with 8-10" of snow cover, made those plots useless. My third year with PTT and zero usage. I am done with them and going to all GHR in the mix.
I don't understand the dilemma? o_O you can "organize" in the dead of winter after deer season
You have to mind your outdoor credits. For example, staying home and organizing earns a guy a credit to be used another day for deer hunting. A good rule of thumb is a day for a day. There are days you can get bonus credits (Valentines Day, in-law birthdays, etc). You can also trade credits with your wife. If you wanted to process deer or do some canning on black friday, and she's a shopper; you could give her a pass in exchange for 2 credit days in the outdoors.

Bottom line, build up your credits in the offseason and cash them in during season. It may seem silly, but you don't want to be caught flat footed. Most of them count even if you don't know it.
You have to mind your outdoor credits. For example, staying home and organizing earns a guy a credit to be used another day for deer hunting. A good rule of thumb is a day for a day. There are days you can get bonus credits (Valentines Day, in-law birthdays, etc). You can also trade credits with your wife. If you wanted to process deer or do some canning on black friday, and she's a shopper; you could give her a pass in exchange for 2 credit days in the outdoors.

Bottom line, build up your credits in the offseason and cash them in during season. It may seem silly, but you don't want to be caught flat footed. Most of them count even if you don't know it.
My wife keeps a close eye on my outdoor credits....I'm in debt :(
I have some similar photos I was going to post. Just haven't done it yet.
Outdoor Credits are huge!!! 21 years of marriage has taught me that. On my way now...I'll report back tonite. Hopefully with one on the ground :)

You should have waited until Tuesday to hunt when the temps drop out. And went to BWW with some buddies- Late season food to me is a cold front type of hunt to maximize the food sit.

As far as I can see women are horrible accountants when it comes to these mystery 'credits' you speak of. Eternally in the red and ok with it.
I'm lucky. My wife LOVES venison and has never given me any grief about going to camp. My dishpan hands should NOT be seen as a bargaining chip!!!o_O:rolleyes:
I'm lucky. My wife LOVES venison and has never given me any grief about going to camp. o_O:rolleyes:

I don't claim to know much about women but yours has a boyfriend who does not deer hunt. Just saying.
My buddy used to say that it was OK to go hunt'n and fish'n if your wife complains about you being gone.

but if she tells you to go and have a good time, somehin' is going on. It's time to stay home.
Bur & Batman - O.K. Detectives........ I suppose you're gonna tell me that just because the wife took up drinking Iron City beer last week and left a few empty cans in the trash is a reason to be suspicious?? :eek:
I don't claim to know much about women but yours has a boyfriend who does not deer hunt. Just saying.
funny, was thinking the same thing :)
My brassicas & radishes smelled horrible this past weekend after all the snow melted and 50 degree temps. My guess is they will still hit them not that it froze up again, I'll be sure to check next time I'm at the farm.
You really think they like them when they are rotting? Just curious