Benefit ideas...


5 year old buck +
Has anybody ever been involved in putting together a benefit, or gathering donations for a benefit?

My soon to be father in law(engaged last week) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in June. it's been one hell of a year with his surgery and being in the hospital for 45 days and infections and 3 subsequent surgeries. It's been financially draining and they are in dire need of help, so we are putting on a benefit he was the fire chief, and quite frankly the most selfless person I know. he has used up all his vacation time and has been forced into early retirement, with early withdrawal penalties on his pension.

What are some ideas for trying to gather donations? anybody ever done this before and have advice? the benefit is st. paddy's day, so we have 2 months to get things rolling.

all proceeds will be used to help offset the insane cost for insurance and hospital bills, and to hopefully get their farm paid off.

sorry for the long post, just got a lot on my mind right now, and feels like everything is a jumbled mess.
Has anybody ever been involved in putting together a benefit, or gathering donations for a benefit?

My soon to be father in law(engaged last week) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in June. it's been one hell of a year with his surgery and being in the hospital for 45 days and infections and 3 subsequent surgeries. It's been financially draining and they are in dire need of help, so we are putting on a benefit he was the fire chief, and quite frankly the most selfless person I know. he has used up all his vacation time and has been forced into early retirement, with early withdrawal penalties on his pension.

What are some ideas for trying to gather donations? anybody ever done this before and have advice? the benefit is st. paddy's day, so we have 2 months to get things rolling.

all proceeds will be used to help offset the insane cost for insurance and hospital bills, and to hopefully get their farm paid off.

sorry for the long post, just got a lot on my mind right now, and feels like everything is a jumbled mess.
Congrats on the engagement. Sorry to hear about your father in law. I lost mine to pancreatic cancer 8 years ago. As for the benefit, get a go fund me page up and running for those that can't make the benefit but still wish to donate.
Most typical for our area is a supper with a silent auction. You can generally get the food and auction items donated. Pancake dinners are a big fundraiser here. Pancake mix is dirt cheap if you can buy it by the 50lb bag. Free will donations will make you good money especially when it is associated with a cause.
Congrats on the engagement. Sorry to hear about your father in law. I lost mine to pancreatic cancer 8 years ago. As for the benefit, get a go fund me page up and running for those that can't make the benefit but still wish to donate.

thanks. I hate cancer. the universe is a weird place, good people get the shit end of the deal and it makes no logical sense.

yeah somebody has a go fund me page going so far. it's been a great added bonus. it's great because people with no idea who he is are donating, and outside of our area. Facebook can be a powerful outlet.
Most typical for our area is a supper with a silent auction. You can generally get the food and auction items donated. Pancake dinners are a big fundraiser here. Pancake mix is dirt cheap if you can buy it by the 50lb bag. Free will donations will make you good money especially when it is associated with a cause.

there's going to be a spaghetti feed with silent and live auction. as well as a raffle. I'm looking to add prizes for the raffle. one thing I don't get is thst there are people out there that are pushed away from buying a raffle ticket (for a benefit) because they don't want to win a box blind or gun that's on it. it amazes me daily how many pepole totally miss the point of humanity. I guess its a me first world out there. I was talking to my dad yesterday and we would sell all of our tractor implements and tractor so that they can keep the farm.
I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in the items we sell, but Big Rock Trees would donate some stuff for the Benefit if it helped? Might be the wrong crowd?

For one of my companies, we host a lot of benefits. The ones that gather the most donations typically have an affiliation with a charity so they can collect donations from local businesses and individuals and those people can write them off as a donation. The charity then in-turn donates the proceeds to help the individual. Most of the time, this is through a church or church affiliated charity but there are a few others that do it. Depending on the charity - there might also be some matching monies available.

The events I have been present at recently - the popular items with the guests are Go Pros, Guns and overnight hotel stays.

If you do have the volunteers to help you, you will be way better off if you personally reach out to the local businesses for donations rather than sending a letter. For the business that I have that hosts events, we typically get 2 to 5 requests per day for donations from one group or another. If I only get a letter, it goes straight in the garbage.
Related note - not sure where you are having the benefit and the format - but we had a similar situation for a former police officer. They got some of the officers to come in and be the servers and bartenders for the event and let everyone know that any tips that they made would be donated to the cause. Most people left them 20% or more on the dinner bill and people were throwing up $5 tips for a $2 bottle of beer.
I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in the items we sell, but Big Rock Trees would donate some stuff for the Benefit if it helped? Might be the wrong crowd?

John, I know I would personally appreciate the hell out of that, not sure about the crowd like you said. I can ask her brother and see what he thinks. I threw out the idea of buying 500 of the plant band trees from Itasca Greenhouse and selling them at $10 each and call them 'jerry trees'. I think it would be a pain for people to carry around their tree as well as having frozen ground for another few weeks before they can plant. 1000% return which is good, but the idea acts more as a memorial and don't think that's a good vibe to have.

I got the idea from the 'paul trees' from Big Rock Trees. I've got about 2 dozen started and ready for transplant this spring. I love the idea.

I'll let you know, John. If nothing else, i'll be the only one bidding on the items.
For one of my companies, we host a lot of benefits. The ones that gather the most donations typically have an affiliation with a charity so they can collect donations from local businesses and individuals and those people can write them off as a donation. The charity then in-turn donates the proceeds to help the individual. Most of the time, this is through a church or church affiliated charity but there are a few others that do it. Depending on the charity - there might also be some matching monies available.

The events I have been present at recently - the popular items with the guests are Go Pros, Guns and overnight hotel stays.

If you do have the volunteers to help you, you will be way better off if you personally reach out to the local businesses for donations rather than sending a letter. For the business that I have that hosts events, we typically get 2 to 5 requests per day for donations from one group or another. If I only get a letter, it goes straight in the garbage.

THe entire fire department is on board with this, so there is plenty of manpower for requesting donations. Plus, the area fire departments are aware as well. He is a giver and selfless individual. I hope the favor is turned around for him, and we get those nice items donated.

We are having it at the Eagles club, and it's a great venue for events like this. There is a bar on site, not sure how they handle the tips and other things, but it'll be on st. paddy's day so not sure how that will go as far as the bar scene. Spaghetti feed, so there isn't any individual meals. THey are selling T-shirts as well, so that helps add to the pot.

We've got some cool industries in the area. Arctic Cat, Polaris, Central Boiler, Marvin Windows. Probably won't get much out of them. As far as I know, we've got a gun or few so far, a trip to the caribbean or somewhere tropical, and a nice insulated box blind. THose are the larger raffle items. I'm going to donate a drone, I think that will draw a nice amount of ticket sales. I'm hoping we are able to work out a deal with Arctic and get a machine at a discounted price and have a raffle for that as well.

We might have a fishing launch out of Lake of the Woods too by a connection I know. Tucker Hibbert is putting some stuff together(neighbor of the in laws growing up).

Homemade items might be a hit too. Anything like the rustic home decor from birch cuttings should draw some interest.
Get Tucker to sign some items and they should be a good money draw. A couple of signed helmets maybe?
Get Tucker to sign some items and they should be a good money draw. A couple of signed helmets maybe?

His wife, Mandi, said that they've got a package they're working on. Those items will be great. That's a great idea. I wonder if they will be signed, or just some stuff he's got? I can ask whoever is lining that up.

We have a local kid that is playing in the AHL(Boston Bruins' farm team), big stud goalie at UND, hobey baker finalist. I'm sure some signed apparel, or even some jerseys from him would be a huge draw. He's a great kid, took a girl to prom with a disability in an area high school. Says a lot when you're a high caliber athlete and get top 3 in college hockey's highest honor, and you're out in the community doing this.

They're working on Twins tickets, maybe some Wild stuff too. Maybe some Blair Walsh jerseys too....:D
I knew you'd get some good ideas. I had no clue so I stayed quite.
Good luck putting it together!
I apologize if I used this as a medium for my own brain rants. I get long winded, and I want this to be a success. With the stress of poor health, the financial stress is a low blow. Not to mention some family bull shit that might be going on with one brother over the land.

I appreciate all the ideas and input and feedback. If anybody has any more please let me know and I can follow the lead or pass it up to the organizers.
make sure that he has checked on his cancer policy at FD as some pay more for cancer if Dr. says that it could be caused from firefighting.I bet if the fire guys hit it from the fire department side they can get some donations also.You could still do the tree thing just deliver or have a pickup day afterwards.Maybe talk to the state about getting tree bundles donated.Good luck
IN what city will the benefit be held?

So sad a working man has to have a benefit to pay for bills for a terrible disease. There is no reason why a man should give his life to a trade and not have health insurance to cover these costs. So very sad.

Horrible news.
IN what city will the benefit be held?

So sad a working man has to have a benefit to pay for bills for a terrible disease. There is no reason why a man should give his life to a trade and not have health insurance to cover these costs. So very sad.

Horrible news.

I totally agree. It's in thief river falls. an hour east of Grand forks.

If he was a minority, illegal alien, criminal, or didn't work he would be taken care of. instead the beautiful farm which he's got so much pride in is in jeopardy due to the financial stress.

It really is terrible.
Insurance companies have been denying coverage to lots of folks over the years. It's legalized stealing. Pay premiums to be told " we won't cover that ". And with more and more employers doing away with health coverage for their employees, it's only gonna get worse. Recent example : multi-billionaire Carl Icahn cancelled health ins. for all employees of the casino he just bought in N.J.

I feel really bad for anybody that has an uphill fight against a disease ......... AND an uphill fight with their ins. co. - if they even can afford insurance on their own. Individuals against big corporations .......... it's a rosy picture, isn't it ?????

Food events usually work around here. Pancake breakfasts, spaghetti suppers, hoagie / submarine sandwich sales, chicken BBQ's all draw lots of attention. My township Little League does chicken BBQ every spring and raises thousands in a 1-day event. Chicken BBQ, grill some brats, burgers - I'd bet you'd make out. Everybody likes food and helping someone out at the same time. Best of luck to all involved.
I think it has been mentioned already, but get some Twins and Vikings signed items. I'm betting if someone reached out to some of the old Twinkies local players like maybe Paul Molitor, Kent Hrbek, or Joe Mauer, they might be willing to donate some signed items.
Great idea, Whip. If someone knows how to contact any of those players, THAT would draw some interest !!