With our cold sink I've learned to try and stay away from the iffy ones regarding hardiness. I can't wait til the crabs get some age on them. Wish I would have planted them sooner.
That prairie spy is starting to look good. Bushy but lots of growth - at least it looks like its finally moving in the right direction!
Yup, its pushing 5' now. Some of the crabs I planted in April are just as tall but in 10 years you shouldn't be able to tell the difference. The hudson's golden gem right next to it, planted same time, is also starting to push upwards. That was a slow starter as well the first couple years.
Fruit trees look great. I've about given up on them. Can only have so many things on the plate at once. You should still get a good kill on that plot your sprayed after mowing.
thanks!Looking great badger!
I might have to break down and buy a golden hornet I can't get that damn variety to graft for the life of me. I think i've tried 3 years in a row now, not sure what the deal is. Either way your stuff looks great Jon! Cheers!
Looks like cummins has it on G935. Not sure what that is like. Says semi-dwarf. I had to go w/ MM106. First time trying that particular rootstock. Going well so far.
I personally haven't planted any apples. My dad has put in various types of crabs and standard, none really successful. Although most are neglected and probably the wrong rootstocks. I have a couple pears from SLN that are doing well but they are so slow compared to what I see you and others showing for growth on apples. I've lost about half of them though, again neglect is an issue. In the future I may make a "backyard" orchard where I can take care of what I plant.Have you planted many apples bueller? I didn't even bother amending the soil w/ the 10 I planted this year. Just threw them in and caged/matted. The SLN trees aren't as aggressive as the cummins and CrazyEds NW Greening but I'll give them a year or two before making any judgements. They were smaller, younger trees to begin with. Plus I've never tried the antonovka rootstock before. B118 seems to do well at our place for rootstock.
I am ordering so scions from GRIN on the GH so i'm going to give it one more shot I think before I break down. Although I did break down and buy a few Franklin cider apples from Cummins this year. and 3 plums. Maybe I just just throw a damn GH on the order too :)
I personally haven't planted any apples. My dad has put in various types of crabs and standard, none really successful. Although most are neglected and probably the wrong rootstocks. I have a couple pears from SLN that are doing well but they are so slow compared to what I see you and others showing for growth on apples. I've lost about half of them though, again neglect is an issue. In the future I may make a "backyard" orchard where I can take care of what I plant.