Bad neighbors?

I suppose we should define "bad"
I suppose we should define "bad"
If you have "bad" neighbors, you need no definition. If you need to define "bad", your neighbors are ok.;)
My neighbors are great. They are all gun hunters, which is fine with me. When they show up I am leaving. They also allow me to track deer if I ask them. =)
It's been said before by guys like Steve Bartylla in particular that it's better to have neighbors that hunt sloppy, shoot smaller bucks, disregard scent control, etc... vs having hunters that are squared away and killing mature bucks each year.
Neighbors can make or break a place - and the smaller your property is the more neighbors can impact it. I have good neighbors. Yes I have some issues but for the most part I can't complain too much. I can retrieve deer that crosses the line and they tend to stay on their side....for the most part. I also don't have a lot of deer so most folks don't even bother hunting in my area. We do get road poachers from time to time, and the occasional meth-head, but I stay in pretty good contact with law enforcement and they tend to help me out when I alert them to a potential issue.

My opinion is that you have a snowballs chance in ......well the hot place, at changing the actions of your neighbors. You think getting them to pass on a specific deer is tough, try telling them that the way they hunt is wrong! You either have to find a way to use your neighbors to your advantage or simply move on. Sometimes you just have to know when to walk away.
If you have "bad" neighbors, you need no definition. If you need to define "bad", your neighbors are ok.;)

Good point. I have neighbors that tell me they plan to do one thing and end up doing another, mainly harvest related, which bugs me. But I wouldn't consider them bad neighbors. I'd rather they just be up front with me. They also have an old guy sit right in our line and face our field which is annoying.
We seem to have some bad neighbors that surround our land. From guys who drive around right before last light and holler in their woods, having amish who shoot everything, to guys who do drives and don't look for deer after they shoot at them.

Is this the "norm" for neighbors anymore? Is the only way to better neighbors is selling and moving on? We've tried talking to some and it doesn't seem to get anywhere.

Its their land, they can do what the want...... because its their land!

Buy them out if you want peace and quiet.
Anyone who buys the 148 acres for sale right next to me will have an awesome neighbor! Lol
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A neighbor that stays on their side of the fence is a good neighbor. What they shoot or do on their side doesn't concern me as long as they are legal .
People forget freedom means other people doing stuff you don't like. I wish everyone would quit trying to control the rest of the world and just do what they can.

I could be equally mad at neighbors who are too selective and leave the deer population too high to be sustainable.

Live and let live people. (Now trespassing is a different story).

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When I first bought my land I had a neighbor set up stands on my land and mow the grass to get to them. I put a stop to that real quick and it involved getting the sheriffs to talk to the butt head. He seemed to think he had some grandfathered rights concerning my land. I have contacted several of my neighbors about retrieving deer that make it to their side of the line. If they allow me to retrieve any dead deer, I do the same for them. A couple of out of state land owners don't want me on their land. I return that favor for anyone hunting on their land. I have 8 neighbors that adjoin my land because of the shape of it. I am lucky to get along with 6 of them. The other 2 I just avoid and make sure they stay off my land.
Doesn't work, I tried that once. All I got was another 80 acres and two new neighbors.
I like the 80 though.

Yep, been there and done that! Bahahahahahaha!

But it got me another 80 acres of buffer zone! Well worth it!
We seem to have some bad neighbors that surround our land. From guys who drive around right before last light and holler in their woods, having amish who shoot everything, to guys who do drives and don't look for deer after they shoot at them.

Is this the "norm" for neighbors anymore? Is the only way to better neighbors is selling and moving on? We've tried talking to some and it doesn't seem to get anywhere.

Is that an option to sell? Buy bigger or better??
Is that an option to sell? Buy bigger or better??
This is the land I grew up hunting and has been in my family for 3+ generations. It would take a lot for me to sell.
Every bodies ideas of being neighborly is different too. I have had neighbors that saw its ok for them to run dogs, drive ATV's and even hunt because it's the neighborly thing to do.
Evidently you are my neighbor too if you live within a couple miles or the next road over.
Some people just don't get it.
I can't complain about mine at all either,I do know a guy that an outfitter leased the land next to his and did the set a stand facing his side deal so opening morning with the paid hunter sitting in the stand he lit a brushpile on his side of the fence on fire and let him watch the fire instead of deer.No more problems after that
It's been said before by guys like Steve Bartylla in particular that it's better to have neighbors that hunt sloppy, shoot smaller bucks, disregard scent control, etc... vs having hunters that are squared away and killing mature bucks each year.

Think that's the ticket. My neighbors have 400 acres of the nicest property in my county in Mn. They hunt 2 days a year, same stand every time. They get maybe 3-4 deer. No food plots.

That's a good neighbor!!
Like any tribe, you need to find the head tribesman ... if you can meet with him and understand his focus, goals, and philosophy ... you will have a window to his world.

Once you have that glimpse into his universe ... accept it or confront it ... just understand you won't change it.

At the end of the day, the more you try to challenge a bad neighbor, the more you become their object of aggression ... I have learned to listen to them a lot, then figure out what you need to do to maintain your sanity. Sometimes selling, sometimes buying more, sometimes letting the bad neighbor focus on someone else is the answer ... just don't make you and your property the target ;)
Where's this at?

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Just a couple miles west of Wautoma.

Owned by a single mother who inherited it from her parents when they passed. Hasn't done any improvements to the exterior of the house, which really needs it. I'm guessing the price is very negotiable. Think they've only set foot on about 4 of the 148 acres in the past two years.

Neighbors to the south are my farm, and a gravel pit. To the north is DNR land, that doesn't get a ton of pressure as some of it is too thick for the feint of heart to hunt. To the east is more DNR land and a small farm with a little bit of ag. To the west is an Elk, whitetail, and buffalo ranch.
I post my land very clearly and guard it like a hungry pitbull.

I get along with my neighbors but some of the idiots they let hunt get made examples only takes a couple for the word to get around.