Arrowhead and other historic/pre-historic collections

Been looking and researching the last couple of weeks, otherwise I know almost nothing about artifacts. Fun as hell to find something though!
If you guys know anything about what I'm posting tell me about it!


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Looks like it was used as a hammerstone. The scars left and right ( second photo ) were caused from impact, similar to what I see on the stones I use.20230422_104606.jpg
Found a few more in the creek this weekend. Still waiting for any of our fields to be worked by the renters.

Found a couple more broken points last night. Getting some rain today. May change the way the field looks.Screenshot_20230504_072543_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20230504_072538_Gallery.jpg
Gosh! Are there arrowheads everywhere? Would I be wasting my time looking in our bottom fields here at home? Obviously the presence of ancient man is required to find arrowheads, but what would be an indicator of whether I should look or not?

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Gosh! Are there arrowheads everywhere? Would I be wasting my time looking in our bottom fields here at home? Obviously the presence of ancient man is required to find arrowheads, but what would be an indicator of whether I should look or not?

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Bottom fields near creeks, disked, find the high spots or rises. Do some research to see if you had indians in the area.
Gosh! Are there arrowheads everywhere? Would I be wasting my time looking in our bottom fields here at home? Obviously the presence of ancient man is required to find arrowheads, but what would be an indicator of whether I should look or not?

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There were many settlements and/or reservations that were created between the 1700-1900 as the Indians were being displaced. A check through your towns history could be a clue to where these locations were. Our family’s old homestead was built on one of these settlements. I’m not sure when the Indians were there but they were gone by the late 1800’s. Every time the fields were turned over with a plow there were arrowheads everywhere. I have many that were found there. To know where these settlements were is better than looking random. I have some collected from there. It’s all houses there now but, I always wonder if they’re still finding them popping up in their lawns.
Cat you've been finding some cool stuff. Must have a pretty rich area. We have our crop planted and now last night got the 1" rain to help rinse things off, so should be able to do a little searching in the freshly worked fields. Chris found a nice Madison while I was working on the planter at our deer hunting farm. The kids also want to try sifting in the creek and ditches, so we made a 2'x2' sifting box from cedar and hardware cloth.

Just got home and the wife and kid surprised me with the spoils of an afternoon walk! I told them where they should go and it looks like they hit the jackpot. They've been rubbing it in pretty hard since they did better than I have.
Where I grew up, lots of arrowheads like shown above were found. Seems like folks that were "into it" in the 50's and 60's scored many of the best finds.....mostly along the Minnesota River Bottoms. Pretty slim pickings these days. I do have a "mallet" head that is quite interesting. Not sure where I have that stashed.