Anyone doing anything different this year in response to

When I was younger I could do evening or night workouts. Now they have to be AM... varies between 4 to 8 AM depending on time of the year. I'd say just get up an hour sooner and see how that treats you. Unless you're talking going to a gym, then you'll need more time.
Yeah, you guys are nuts. I had an elk tag near leadville last year, beautiful place for some misery!

I'm in the worst shape of my life and I'm sure I'll hate myself for it in a few weeks when trying to poke an elk with an arrow. Curious where you guys fit the workouts in your schedule? Think I need to start waking up earlier to get after it.
It’s tough sometimes. Between a 2 year old and wanting to spend as much time hunting and working at the farm you have to get creative. Mornings and nights seem to be the key. If I get a minute in the middle of the day I will take off for a run…but it’s hot as hell in the south in the summers so that can be miserable. As much as I complain about it I think the heat prepared us well for the elevation. Both make it impossible to breath.
Hate to sound like one of those tough guys, but you just have to want it. There are a million excuses of why you can’t do it but I promise you can. I wake up at 5 to get it in or go out after wife and kid are in bed. It sucks but it’s better than not being in shape for me.
And yes leadville is beautiful…well not the town but the scenery! 41 this am. It snowed up high past two nights. Now I’m headed back to 88 and 70% humidity. Yay