Any fellow farmers out there??

Wow Buck that just sucks!
That's not good. All that work and money washed away.
I took a vacation to China...It is a different world...We had an orientation when we arrived. The guide looked my wife and I dead in the eye and said "when you are in this land the emperor literally owns the hair that comes out of your head. Hold your tongue about communism or you will disappear and if you are extremely lucky they will dump you off at the embassy. If not you will rot in a jail and probably never see your family again. There are undercover government agents walking around all of the tourist attractions to make sure no one is there running their mouths poorly about China." That being said we had a great time and saw a lot of amazing things.
Went and walked fields today. It is BAD in a couple spots in my corn. Maybe some micro burst or something. Any corn plant that takes a hail stone in the whirl likes to wrap itself up and it basically becomes a weed and doesnt produce a full ear. This warm sunny weather is the best thing that could happen to try and push it out of it. Growing point is still most likely under the ground, but I think it will be over 10% yield loss right off the bat. It will be a week until I know for sure. Hail adjuster is coming on Friday morning, but I already know it will get differed to harvest so they can examine ear size. I was going for 250+ BPA corn with the picket fence stand I had.


Same field was hit pretty hard in 2017. Here are some pics about a week after the hail, and then another one a few weeks later that shows the tie up and twist.

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That is tough. It was looking so good.
Is it too late to get corn planted in NE Ohio? Will be left standing for the year for wildlife, but dont want to waste my time or money if it just isn't going to grow anyways. Too late, or still ok?
Still ok. Probably choose a maturity no longer than 108 day at this point.
My neighbor in N MO is just now finishing putting in a few hundred acres of corn. So it should be ok.

Although I don’t what the maturity days are for his.
This morning at 11am we had the WASDE report come out from USDA. They dropped corn yield by 10 BPA already. They also dropped planted acres by 3 million. It will end up being higher in the end. They also dropped ending stocks (whatever is leftover going into the following year) from 2.485 billion bushels to 1.675 billion bushels.


I dont believe we are going to raise a 13.7 billion bushel crop like they are claiming. I firmly believe it is under 13 billion bushels unless the weather is perfect from here to harvest. I hit the high of the day to bail on my 3 July contracts as they are set to expire soon. Some guy in Chicago is sending me a check for $7,500. Looking to reenter the market on a pullback. If we dont get one I will just be content with my unpriced grain in the bins and fields and the two Dec contracts I have left.
My neighbor in N MO is just now finishing putting in a few hundred acres of corn. So it should be ok.

Although I don’t what the maturity days are for his.

Be interesting to see how that turns out for him. Gonna put him into the hottest part of summer for pollination. That's usually not a good combination, especially since he probably mudded the corn in and the water likes to shut off. Could be anywhere from 0-200 bushel corn I'm guessing.
Be interesting to see how that turns out for him. Gonna put him into the hottest part of summer for pollination. That's usually not a good combination, especially since he probably mudded the corn in and the water likes to shut off. Could be anywhere from 0-200 bushel corn I'm guessing.

Our soil is really high in clay content. So it holds the water but gets hard as rock with sun and rain. If that makes sense. We had 7 dry days and wind. They lightly dressed the fields to turn the weeds and then planted. It actually looked good. Planted into an inch or so of dry ground.

You’re spot on with the summer pollination and if it’s like the last few years the water will turn off. We’ll see how it goes but he didn’t want to take the $240/acre PP. and we got a 6 inches in a flash and it washed out the water ways terribly at least he got to fix those.
I think the USDA will underestimate the amount of acres not planted. Corn could climb even more.
I was planting soybeans out on the prairie for my dad 'til midnight this morning and again by pre-dawn after a few hours of sleep. The ground has been rained on so much this year that it just isn't right. These were a 2.9 bean, planted heavy on 30" rows at 160K pop (planted heavy because of the calendar) but at the 7 mph speed the planter had a few skips and averaged about 156K. At 6 mph it was planting them perfectly. As growing season gets shorter, planting speed gets faster, ha.

If you had the correct color equipment you could be finishing planting at 9 MPH like me. LOL
First post I made in this thread was May 15th and prices were in the toilet. Its now a month later and here is the chart of what corn prices have done for the July contract. Wish I would have bought more at the low and held on a little longer. LOL

We took out some stiff resistance this week with the bullish USDA report. All signs are pointing to price going higher, and potentially quite a bit higher. I rolled out of my July contracts with the intention of buying December on a slight pullback. It has not happened. I have an order in to buy the December contract. Hope it hits today.

Does farming grass count?
Racing the rain
70A to get in with a 12ft GPNT
Gunna be splitting hairs

Update: 13hrs in, starting to feel like a rat in a cage, 6A to go, rain is on the horizon.
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Pretty good article from WaPo. USDA tanked corn market last week with their bullshit acres and stocks report. Half hour after the report took corn limit down they came out and said that they needed to redo the acreage survey cause of the unprecedented conditions. Fuckers cost me an easy 5K that day. Market is coming back now and almost back to where the plunge started.

Some farmers are about as bullish as I have seen them in a long time. I still think demand will struggle.
A person can only drink so much Pepsi.
Soybeans just got planted here two nights ago. Northern Indiana.
By Dekalb I know a family who's making some pretty good whiskey from their home-grown corn.