Any fellow farmers out there??

Made an attempt to plant corn in my home food plot last night, which is a drier area than most of the farm land around me. The disc went fine the first time over, but going a bit deeper on the second round it jammed with muck and I gave up. Then it rained again overnight. Talked to farmer friends, they think another week, if it doesn't rain, and it will....
Corn is up 18 and beans up 30 on the overnight. Cue the news stories about high corn flakes prices.....
Corn is up 18 and beans up 30 on the overnight. Cue the news stories about high corn flakes prices.....

Good luck, your corn looks good. Hopefully it keeps looking that way.
I know my neighborhood doesn’t have much planted.
I’ve been telling others (including liberals) that the market is not just based on China trade. One bad year (drought or flood) and we will have a complete change in the prices.

Sure enough it happened. The other side of this equation besides the wet field, is potential for a dry summer. Corn could really jump, also look at wheat prices in the last month.
I put a trail camera up along the edge of one of my bean fields yesterday. There is a little wet corner that I left unplanted. There was a 200+" buck shot about half a mile from this camera last fall. I had this buck on camera about 3 miles north of this spots a few years earlier and he was a stud back in 2015. I have been scouting my beans for emergence and noticed some massive buck tracks in the field so I thought I should get the camera out. Hope to catch him walking along the edge of my bean field.

Anytime I am working in this field the deer usually come right out of the corner and walk out into my field. There is a treestand there for me to use and I am most likely getting permission to hunt at least one of the woods to the east. Now I just have to get motivated to bow hunt. The combine just might miss some of those beans in that corner and I just might have to climb in that stand. I can drive the tractor right out there. They are attracted to the noise.

It looks like in the northland farmers are going to get the break they need to get their crops in the fields.
I drove from the east coast to just west of Indianapolis yesterday mostly on route 70. Finishing my trip to MO this morning.

I’ve never seen so many unplanted fields before. Been making this trip for the 12 years.
You can drive miles here before seeing a planted field. The area surrounding our hunting land doesn't have any corn or bean fields planted yet.
The second half of the drive wasn’t much better. My neighbor has a few acres of beans in though.
A little late to the conversation but something interesting to add.

My brother in law, dad, and I were discussing the chinese backing out of the trade agreement at the last minute. My bil, who works for a huge corporation that sells millions of bushels of grain to the chinese as well as other countries said that is how China does business. His company and china will agree on a price for a shipment of grain. When it gets to port, the Chinese then say they are going to pay a new, lower amount for the grain. They tell the company they can keep the grain if they don't want to sell at that amount. They have no choice but to sell as it is 25000 a day sitting in port and six figures to sail the boat there and back, they can't afford to sit in dock to negotiate anymore nor go back without a check so they are bent over a barrel. I asked him if we do that to the Chinese and he said no. It's about time we start.

FN Chinese

I hope Trump gets a trade deal done but I don't see it happening. Previous administrations have knuckled under and its hard to get back something once it has been given away.

Good luck to you farmers.
My main feelings toward China are......FFFFFFF China!!! Willy, your BIL is correct. China is a bunch of slimy underhanded bastards and they want to preach to us about RESPECT. LOL. F them. I hope Trump breaks them the same way Reagan broke the Soviets. I cant count all the times they bought $10 beans for example only to cancel them and drive the market down and then rebuy them $1.00 or more lower. They are first class slime and our politicians like Biden have been lining their pockets with dirty China money.
This is getting to be quite the ordeal. I own 5 corn contracts right now that in the past 3 weeks are about $13,000 in the black. These are speculative bushels over and above my regular production. Wish I would have bought more a few weeks ago. Cash corn is currently $3.80 here and the talking heads are preaching $5-7 corn depending on who you listen to. Would sure be fun to make $50,000 just for trading a couple piece of paper.

I talked to some MN guys (big hitters) that put huge $$$ on corn at around $3

They are way way up, I think they are looking at $250-300k In profits.
Buddy worked his field today to plant beans tomorrow. 2" of rain killed that.
Buddy worked his field today to plant beans tomorrow. 2" of rain killed that.

It’s bad around here “everywhere” I guess. We need a week of sun and wind..
MN and Wisconsin is getting the break in weather they need this week, and some of last week. MN and Wisconsin should catch up really quick with corn & bean planting. Those south of us, Iowa, MO, KS, aren't as fortunate.
Did some replanting in my corn today and finished that. Switched over to replant a few beans and then finish planting beans in my peat ground. I was unable to drag the planter through about 2 acres of the peat. I spread 1 acre with the solo spreader and said F the rest.

As I was taking my sweet ass time doing everything I noticed some not so nice looking clouds off to the west. Took a look at my phone and saw it was building bigtime about an hour to the west. I usually plant about 4.5 MPH. I shifted up a few gears and ended up planting 8-9 MPH. The last few rounds in a small field were done in the pouring rain. In about 15 mins we got 1.25" and the white combine came through and hammered my best field. Most likely took care of the old mans 9 acres of apple trees. 2nd time in 3 years. I can handle the hail and yield loss, but not the erosion. The field with corn is pattern tiled, but it came so hard and fast and just ran off. You wouldnt think a field with 0-2% slope could have water coming out of it like that.

Shoot, sorry to hear that. Man that wind came up fast in Minnesota, a couple farms had 3 inches ....(they said they are done for the year)
Sorry to hear it, Buck!

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