A little whitetail institute and regalgraze, plus a few annuals. They did awesome for spring, just didn’t survive the brutal hot and dry summer. Not sure any clover could have. Added more chicory and trying some white and yellow sweet clover tooomicron, what did you mix it with? I have been really impressed with Rennovation and Legacy and usually throw in some Jumbo II.
Yep. We all have the same goals but us southern boys have different issues than y’all, mainly lack of year round clover and poisonous snakes!I did not realize you were in the south. Here in Michigan we get enough rainfall that growing white clover is pretty easy. I generally plant in the late summer so that the clover will be well established by the hottest part of the following summer. Have a plot of Rennovation and legacy behind the house thats on its 4th year.
How tall does the Aberlasting get? Low growing or similar to Ladino? Also how big are the leaves compared to say Rennovation or Alice?
A mistake in that you didn't use enough? I'm spreading med red on every plot this year. My plan is to add a few lbs of jumbo ladino, aberlasting, marco polo, & forage chicory on three of them and let them run for 3 or 4 years. Every plot got pulled to turnip duty in recent years in an attempt to keep winter deer away from snipers, but since that program is temporarily shelved, I want more clover again.I always treated it like Kura and made it about 10% of a mix but after poking around a few threads that may have been a mistake.