Alot of this is true, but there is also the fact that not everyone has the same goals. I havent seen a buck on here that i would let walk, anywhere, ever.Same here. With many - it's a competition of sorts. The guys who shoot deer every year are "good hunters" - while the guys who don't "fill their tags" are lesser woodsmen. It's a macho thing really. (I'm referring to MY home hunting ground - not everyone else's !! )
When I was younger, I wanted to kill deer every year, so other guys would think "He knows his way around in the woods." I took pride in my filed tags back then. But after a few years of shooting basket-racks with a big 10" spread - or a really big 12"-er - I wanted something worthy of a taxi-man visit. Once I shot a wallhanger, my tastes changed to pursuing the bigger, mature ones ............ older bucks. Consequently, I've passed on a number of "avg." bucks the last few years - which I would have killed some years ago. I LIKE the feeling of letting them walk for another year, hoping they grow to make me - and others - slobber next fall. I'm not about "just meat" anymore. I take pride in trying to grow a better age structure, with more mature bucks prowling the woods. But that's just me - not condemning others' views.
That is a foreign notion to many. Most likely why they never see a mature buck as they keep shooting 1.5-3.5 year old bucks and not a doe for meat.Meat can be found on does also
Some dont care if the meat comes on a 3 year old 8 or a 5 year old doe .That is a foreign notion to many. Most likely why they never see a mature buck as they keep shooting 1.5-3.5 year old bucks and not a doe for meat![]()
What if you cut some of it and left most standing? Then overseeded the cut parts with cereals and/or brassicas?Also, I know i'm set up to win if theres no baiting. I have 10+ acres that I could brushhog corn and own the area if there was no other baiting. So I'm not some victim here, I'm just talking about options.
I know what everyone is saying. Doing that is your choice , if that makes you happy then have at it. Myself, i dont much care about racks , if i see a deer and i feel like shooting it, I do ,if I dont ,I dont. I have 0 regrets either way. What i take exception with is the trophy hunters saying only their way is the right way.Bill, I think what the others are saying is if you're hunting for meat, why bother with a young buck?
The main difference in bucks and does for huntability is the antlers. If you really have blood lust (Which I do sometimes) take it out on a doe and let that 2 year old walk.
Delaying a little gratification is good for people.
That said, if it's legal, I may roll my eyes, but i wont stop you. Have fun out there. I just wish people could see the other side where hunting a mature buck is so much more fun than putting a 2 year old buck on the ground, like you have for the last 5 years.
We've discussed that. But cutting it and having some stand won't hold deer all season like dumping it will. I cn be strategic about where and when I put it out.What if you cut some of it and left most standing? Then overseeded the cut parts with cereals and/or brassicas?
We've discussed that. But cutting it and having some stand won't hold deer all season like dumping it will. I cn be strategic about where and when I put it out.
Loser, That's fine. No one is saying that's the "only way to do it"
But the instant gratification and inability to strive for more is frustrating.
What's also frustrating is the guy who'd gladly shoot the first basket rack he sees for meat, who happens to be there when a deer that's a year off, or even one of the big 5 year olds happens to be the first thing past him.
We're not saying someone can't do that, just
So a selective hunter can't be frustrated with brown and downers, but you can be frustrated with selective hunters. See how that logic goes both ways? I see your side. I just wish more people would challenge themselves.Oh, i hear what you are saying. You just arent hearing what I am.
You dont say someone cant, but complain when they do, its the same thing.
You can plant and cut and plan all you want , that doesnt change the dact that these aren't your deer, or mine, or the states. If i had a 5 year old roaming around that i knew of anf my its brown its fown neighbor got it I would be happy for him . Truly i would be. I know for a fact because it happened last year. I get the idea that some would be pissed if someone else got their buck before they could.
Im not trying to change any minds, hunt how it makes you happy, all i ask is dont be judgmental towards those who choose to have different goals. Its counter productive to the sport and we need all the help we can get.
Dont get me wrong, not frustrated with you at all, im really not. I want everyone to hunt the way it makes them happy. Just dont pull the trigger on anything you'd regret.So a selective hunter can't be frustrated with brown and downers, but you can be frustrated with selective hunters. See how that logic goes both ways? I see your side. I just wish more people would challenge themselves.
I didn't say it was illegal nor did i knock the guys doing it. Primarily if its a kid or new hunter.
My buddies and I talk about "climbing the ladder"
Whether that's an older/mature deer, or bigger, etc...
My son shot a deer this year and last year that I wouldn't have even looked at my bow for. but I'm thrilled for him. Hopefully he continues to aspire for more, for the sake of challenging himself. Not for anyone else.
I hope the same thought holds true for him in school, youth sports, life, work, etc
Don't strive for more just to impress people, but strive for more for yourself. An unchallenged life doesn't move the needle.
I am talking about the guy who shoots that 2 year old every time he sees one. His prerogative, I just hope for more from myself and those in my circle.
Your wife is a better hunter than me then!A large part for me is the challenge. I’m not very blood thirsty, I can wait years before killing the right buck. A one, two year old buck is stupid. My wife could go out and kill one every year and she doesn’t hunt. I like to hold myself to a higher standard of selection. I want to take a buck at his prime and a true testament to his species. I also manage my property to get the most out of it. A young buck is not that…
Outside of family, hunting is my life. I dedicate a ton of time to refining my passion. Personally matching wits with a mature buck is the pinnacle of success.
This is my sentiment exactly, but in regards to age structure. So we're both doing the same thing. I don't hate the neighbors for it, but being selective on what I kill is for the challenge since we already have the deer numbers.So i have 2 does that every year have twins or triplets that are off limits..... to me. The neighbor will do what he wants. Which for h will be shoot first ask later. Not a fan but his prerogative.