$80 rye????


I stopped by a place to check out their seed prices yeserday. A fellow deer hunter told me about this place and it's where he gets his stuff. Selection was poor. No Peas or Beans of any type, no oats or radish of any type. Brassica was limited to PTT and that was it. Then the real kicker - annual rye 50lbs for $80! The other seed they had clovers, chicory, trefoil, lespedeza seemed reasonably priced. I just shook my head and walked out. I'll get the guy who told me about this place a card from the place I normally go - he needs it. Who ever said it never hurts to look was wrong - man that was painful!
could it have been annual rye grass seed ?
I paid $16 for 50 lbs of winter rye 3 weeks ago....
Based on what I saw it really doesn't matter. They also wanted $2/lb for wheat. Who sells wheat by the pound? They had these little brown paper bags (like the ones you use for a sack lunch) there for your seed - The look on the kids face would have been priceless if I told him I wanted a bushel!
foggy got me some for $15 in Pine River.
I just paid $25.70 for a bag at Hardwick Farmers co-op
I paid $16/bu and after buying I found an ad on Cl for $10/bu. I picked up 4 extra bu from CL for future planting, I had a hard time finding any earlier this summer.
Winter rye by me is $17/bag, winter wheat is $12, cleaned feed oats were $14, cow peas 2.99lb, red clover 2.50lb, lidino 2.99lb, ptt 2.50lb
I have never paid more than $22.50 for a 56lb bag of cereal rye, and I complained to the Coop manager about that!
Winter rye by me is $17/bag, winter wheat is $12, cleaned feed oats were $14, cow peas 2.99lb, red clover 2.50lb, lidino 2.99lb, ptt 2.50lb
I wish I had a place with prices that low. The cheapest I can find white clover is 7.99 lb. Wheat and oats are close, I just bought a bag of WR for $25 up $2 from last year. The other things on your list are at least double. Probably the cost of doing business in NY.
Just checked CL and I found 2 adds this week in the New Lisbon/Elroy/Tomah area that were selling rye seed fresh off the combine for $8 a bushel.
It look's like there is a good mark up on it,from the time it gets harvested to the time it gets sold at the Massachusetts co-op.
Well -I talked to the guys I normally do business with and here's the low down:

AWP = .77/lb
Frostmaster pea = .84/lb
Tillage radish = 2.25 - 2.30/lb (depending on variety)
Turnip = 3.00 - 3.4/lb (depending on variety)
Rye = 17.75/bu
Wheat = 14.50/50lbs
Oats = 19.00/50 lbs

I love working with people that know what they are doing! And NO stupid broken bag charges. Going shopping this weekend!! Anyone in SE IN want to know who I use I will gladly send you the info. I don't think they do any inter-web business.
Winter rye by me is $17/bag, winter wheat is $12, cleaned feed oats were $14, cow peas 2.99lb, red clover 2.50lb, lidino 2.99lb, ptt 2.50lb
Not to high jack but I love your avatar !!!!!
Thanks guys! I got this guys back to the end!
How long is it viable when spread?
Checked my plot yesterdsy and zero germination in 2 weeks.
First good rains were a few days ago i guess.

Is that seed gonna grow still?
The bag of rye I bought says Seedway LLC. Hall,NY.
An idea for folks who paying through the hind end for rye...check your local craigslist. I bought "organic winter rye" from a guy a few times when I lived in WI and I found him on CL. Plenty of folks who are organic farmers use winter rye for the same reasons foodplotters do (generally not for deer food though).

For those of you in Michigan here's a couple Cl ads for rye

I wish I had a place with prices that low. The cheapest I can find white clover is 7.99 lb. Wheat and oats are close, I just bought a bag of WR for $25 up $2 from last year. The other things on your list are at least double. Probably the cost of doing business in NY.

I get my Ladino in bulk from Seedway. I am heading up to Pulaski in 2 weeks and can sell you some Ladino for $4.75/lb.