The last few weeks flew by with all of the food plot and general projects on the farm. And now I find myself less than 2 weeks from beginning the drive out to Utah. Just unbelievable how fast it came now that it’s almost here.
Still shooting my rifle at least a couple times per week and I feel real good out to 300. Beyond that I just don’t have the optics for it. Or the eyes.
I thought my conditioning was going well until I worked hard outside in this recent heat wave. If it’s this hot on my hunt, I’m in trouble

. But generally I feel great. I’m glad I have a couple of non hunting days at the beginning to start getting used to the altitude.
I have clothes packed for every type of weather possible except extreme cold…..which seems unlikely……but now that I said it I suppose the polar vortex is is getting whipped up.
The local report until recently, has been HOT as hades. Bulls were still in singles / bachelor groups and staying in the dark timber during daylight. In the last few days there has been lots of rain and cooler temps in the higher elevations. My guide is starting his serious scouting now through my arrival on the 18th on his own and with a Manti Archery tag holder. He said things should start getting more serious as far as rutting activity with the bigger bulls, very soon.
Truck oil is changed, tires are rotated, coolers are cleaned, and hotel reservations are confirmed along the drive out. Final payment for the hunt is in the mail.
Let’s do this!