1st Day of School...


5 year old buck +
Is finally here!!

Kid's are excited to go back but not as excited as I am. August is a rough month with boredom and judging by the food bill, I think all they do is eat.

The only bad thing, which isn't all that bad, is the constant running to events / sports.
Yup, 3rd grade and Kindergarden for me. Finally no more paying for daycare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo.

I'm in the money. I'm in the money...........
Save it for college

Boooooooooooooooo,. You are no fun.
My oldest is a Freshman this year, than one in 6th and one in 3rd & 2 still at home.
My oldest is a Freshman this year, than one in 6th and one in 3rd & 2 still at home.


Yes, 4 girls and the youngest is a boy. No we didn't keep on trying to have a boy, just the way things worked out.
Yes, 4 girls and the youngest is a boy. No we didn't keep on trying to have a boy, just the way things worked out.

I feel sorry for that boy. Imagine the drama he will need to endure.
Mine are already 3 weeks in :eek:
Mora doesn't start for another week.
Glad mine are done. Now it's the grand kids. But those are easy as you can ship them back to mom & dad. :)
I have both! 2 kids in college, one trying to get back in to finish up her degree after having the grandbabies and the other with between 5 and 6 more years left to get her degree. Then 2 grandbabies(so far) after that....sometimes I do not think it will ever end.:( True you can ship them home, but there are still incidental expenses incurred when they are shopping with grandma!:mad:
Mine are already 3 weeks in :eek:
Mine is two weeks in. Either are kids are dumber and thus need more time. Or they end up being a lot smarter!:D When do your kids get out? I think my sons last day is May 14th.
It also has a lot to do with how many days off they have during the school year on when they start and finish. Here in LaCrosse, the high dollar folk on top of the hill decided years back that their children need an extended "Spring Break" layoff around Easter so they could take family trips to Cancun and Florida, and the District bowed to their whims, so now the schools are closed for like 3 or 4 days the week before Easter and they don't go back until the Tuesday after. We had Good Friday off and that was it, back to class. They get a ton more days off than we did before and after the Christmas/New Years holiday as well. Stupid. But back in those days, we didn't start till the Wednesday after Labor day and were usually done before Memorial Day and still got in the same amount of actual school days in the year. Only if we had more than 3 snow days would we ever go a day into June.
My oldest (3yr old) started pre school last week. Not sure who it was tougher on my boy or my wife lol
Also, student contact days differ from state to state. WI requires 190 student days, MN requires 180
Well that explains a lot.

Har Har Har..................;)
Mine is two weeks in. Either are kids are dumber and thus need more time. Or they end up being a lot smarter!:D When do your kids get out? I think my sons last day is May 14th.
Started August 11th, Last Day is scheduled for May 19th but that will likely be bumped back with a couple snow/cold days.

They used to start the week before Labor Day. The early start was created so that the 1st semester/2nd quarter is completed before winter break instead of the kids having 2 weeks off and then coming back to school to take final exams on coursework they "purged" from their memory during winter break. You can blame all the emphasis on these standardized test scores for this change.

What stinks for the kids now is that the weather is usually still cool and wet when they get out for "summer break" and smack dab in the middle of the warm summer weeks when they go back to school.
Also, student contact days differ from state to state. WI requires 190 student days, MN requires 180
WI was 180 back in my day as well, not sure when they changed it, but it must have been recently, as my youngest was still on the 180 contract day schedule when she was in high school in 2013. I also remember a bill going through the legislature back in 2014 that was trying to eliminate the contract days and replace that with a certain number of hours per year, not sure if that passed or not?
The youngest is in 10th and just started today, as well. All the rest are off on their own....errrr, ummmm, ahhh, well, more or less off on their own, at least. Amazing how popular we become with one of them when they are running short of groceries for the week.
Dang..school started August 6th here