Recent content by Deer Kar

  1. Deer Kar

    Anyone going to the Minnesota deer classic?

    Should be a good one. I was able to attend a bunch of Steves seminars he is one of the best at it. One year there was a good old boy from down south that was a real blow hard and told a story about a unkillable deer and talked about how some deer are just untouchable. Steve remembered that...
  2. Deer Kar

    Fun weekend!

    That's a great idea. I have a 6 and 8 year old boys that would think that's pretty cool. My wife and I hosted my daughters 11th birthday party at are lake place it was me and 6 screaming 11 year olds and 1 screaming mom. I think I'm stealing your idea and going to have the boys bring there dads...
  3. Deer Kar

    Planting soy beans

    I Plant beans in the spring then broadcast oats and rye into them end of Aug. the beans are usually hammerd so bad by that time I could just about till them under but the oats and rye quickly fill-in the bare spots. Timing is every thing I have my best luck right befor it rains give or take a...
  4. Deer Kar

    Are Lithium batteries worth it?

    I switch to lithium when the temps start to drop otherwise I use regular Duracells. I have a few Bushnell Hds a few couple older Cuddys. I don't use the video settings on any of them. I use an external 12 v battery when I set up one for video.
  5. Deer Kar

    Anyone going to the Minnesota deer classic?

    I went to the fair grounds 11 straight years had a blast. Stopped going when they sold it and moved it to Blaine . I heard it lost a lot in the new venue. Best show seminar I ever attended was Steve B along with Lee and Tiffany. Steve was the wealth of knowledge and Lee and Tiffany were very...
  6. Deer Kar

    OLD friend

    Great looking deer !! How did you train them to eat snow again this year!!!!!!!!! Ha...
  7. Deer Kar

    MN Gun Opener Reports

    Congrats on the deer!!
  8. Deer Kar

    MN Gun Opener Reports

    Hunting my Todd county place(240) saw 10 does and fawns this morning. Well above average shots heard in am. Pulled chips from cameras few big guys moving late afternoon hope to run into one of them. Very windy. Crops 95% plowed.
  9. Deer Kar

    Attraction scents.

    My kids are going to take turns sitting with me this weekend and I like to introduce different aspects of deer hunting to them. The 11 year old has manned the grunt tube and rattle bag for a few years now. We have also had fun with a standing buck and bedded doe decoy. I was thinking of adding...
  10. Deer Kar

    Happy Halloween !!

    I'm getting to take the weekend off from hunting ( per my event planner "wife"). Friday night Hooking the trailer to the four wheeler and throwing a bunch of bales on it and hitting the neighborhood with the kids and a bunch of there friends. Sat morning I get to take the 5 year old to a...
  11. Deer Kar

    recent duck hunting photos

    Great coloration .
  12. Deer Kar

    My 2013 MA shotgun buck

    Great looking deer . I would have guessed higher on the weight. He looks long!!!!
  13. Deer Kar

    Ripley archery hunt

    Not exactly 100% sure on my numbers but if I recall reading some were that they issued 18xx tags and 12xx showed up to hunt . That would mean that they didn't even get the 2000 applicants to fill the number of tags ( which was lowered by 500 from previous years ) the first hunt is during the...
  14. Deer Kar

    Second to last day!

    Party hunting.
  15. Deer Kar

    Ripley archery hunt

    The DNR did drop the number of hunters per hunt from 2500 to 2000. But some how they allowed bonus permits to be used??? You could buy a bonus permit and shoot a doe or use your regular archery tag(either sex) still only on deer total. In my opinion they should go to bucks only for a year or...