recent duck hunting photos

Very cool
That's what I'm talking about.
Sweet redhead! And you lucky dog, got a can! We have them by the thousands in the Mississippi here in La Crosse, but there aren't any around yet. This cold front will help push some down.
my dream mount is a can but this one wasnt fully plumed yet so thinking I will get the red head done
Too bad, but it is a bit early yet. We are lucky in that the season is split here now to give us a much later opportunity to shoot them over here and the big river stays open quite late most years.
Last year was tough getting into areas that didn't have current for the last week of the season.
Great pics.
Good job on the ducks Lee! I know it sounds funny but we get quite a few ducks here in AZ. Between my brother and me we've gotten teal,redheads,canvasbacks,Pintails,woodies,gadwall,ruddy,shoveler,mallard, ring necks,scaups, and widgeons. There's even a few Canadian geese that reside here now and then.
Great pictures. Especially the dog pics. It makes me miss my old lab even more.

We don't get many snow geese in Ohio but I was fortunate enough to hunt them a few times in Kansas. 20,000 birds in a spiraling tornado was a sight I will never forget.
Great coloration .
Thanks for posting, Lee.

I'm considering going back to duck hunting. I have not hunted since lead shot days.
Awesome photo's, Lee. Wish I had a camera/that kind of photo taking ability!
Great photos. My labs name is bailey too.