OLD friend


5 year old buck +
This is a buck that i call glendel...last year his rack when viewed in profile looked a lot like the rack of the glendel buck target in my back yard. His rack is very similar year to year and he has the same ear rips.

I first started getting pics of him when i think he was a 3 yr old 9 point (2012/13). Then last year he showed again as a 4 yr old 10 point (2013). And now he is back again as a 5 yr old 10 point (2013/14). he looks like an absolute beast to me! Its not very often we get bucks into this age class in my part of the world. He almost always shows up starting in December or January and stays until the beginning of March. I have never found a shed from this deer...and not for a lack of trying either. All pics are during the middle of the night...nothing earlier/later than a solid hour from daylight. Last year he made a quick stroll through on November 13th, obviously looking for does and that pic was around 11PM. The bulk of the visits he makes to my property are in December/January/February. I'm thinking he shifts his range in response to winter food sources adding my little plot to his food sources to visit. I just have not been able to pin down his likely bedding area, its gotta be in my "neighborhood" somewhere.

Here he is this year.

Last year 2013/2014


Impressive deer. Huge neck on that monster!
Now that's a mature buck. Nice
Looks like he got a little smaller. Winter must have knocked him back a little. Hopefully he gets out of winter easier and explodes next year.
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Great looking buck! Cool to have pics of him for a couple years.
Great pics. From the looks of it one of your cams is set near a residential area.
That is an impressive deer. He is built like an angus bull!!
Now that's a mature buck. Nice
Looks like he got a little smaller. Winter must have knocked him back a little. Hopefully he gets out of winter easier and explodes next year.
Last winter was harsh here. I feel like he put on more mass tho. It's hard to tell for sure tho when they aren't towards the center of the flash zone.
Great looking buck! Cool to have pics of him for a couple years.
He's one of a very few that I have pics of from year to year....so a third year is even more rare. I really want to pick up his sheds this year!
Great pics. From the looks of it one of your cams is set near a residential area.
Thanks! All the cams used in those pics are/were within 50 yds of each other. My property is tiny in comparison to most on here at only 10 acres. It is on a hill just outside of town....so in some of the pics you can see the lights from town. It's as close to suburban deer hunting as you can get in the middle of nowhere?..lol! That town has a population of 600 people and has the only traffic light in the county. If look at the pic where you can see the lights from town and walked in the opposite direction from which the cam is facing you would go probably 45 miles before reaching the next town of significance.
Great looking deer !! How did you train them to eat snow again this year!!!!!!!!! Ha...
Great looking deer !! How did you train them to eat snow again this year!!!!!!!!! Ha...
2012/13 and 2014/15 pics he's eating brassicas through the snow. 2013/14 he was eating shell corn because I tried spray and pray planting for the first time and went too heavy on the seeding rate.....resulting in less than optimal tuber growth so I lacked winter food. Last winter was brutal so I supplemented with corn all the way through green up.
Most recent picks of him. Brassicas on the left, rye mix on left.

Good to see he's still around, Phil. If this winter holds out on deep snow & ice crusts, next spring / summer he may blow up into a real gagger. If he can keep fed on your plots, he should start the spring in good shape.
Shed hunting season is coming right up. Good luck!
Good to see he's still around, Phil. If this winter holds out on deep snow & ice crusts, next spring / summer he may blow up into a real gagger. If he can keep fed on your plots, he should start the spring in good shape.
I'll be happy once I get pics of post Jan 10th, last day of deer season!
Shed hunting season is coming right up. Good luck!
Yep!!!! Can't wait! My shed season just began....Saturday was the last day of 2014/15 deer season. I'll start scouting food sources now!