Anyone going to the Minnesota deer classic?

I'm getting a bit jacked up to see Steve's farewell performance at the WI Deer and Turkey Expo next month, I can't wait. I haven't been to the show in about 15 years, so I'm really looking forward to the trip.
Should be a good one. I was able to attend a bunch of Steves seminars he is one of the best at it. One year there was a good old boy from down south that was a real blow hard and told a story about a unkillable deer and talked about how some deer are just untouchable. Steve remembered that story and talked about it the following year. Except Steve explained in very simple term if one or two things don't work try three or four other thing untiL you find the right combo. He has the common sense approach which is a breath of fresh are!!!! I wish I could make it there to hear him talk another time. Hopefully his books will get out soon.
No big names at the MN Deer Classic? Sounds like it isn't going 2 be 2 good!
What?! No Eva Shockey? No Pat and Nicole? No Drury's? No Lee and Tiffany? Guess I'll just have to watch all the yahoo's with there shed hunting dogs for fun.