Selling the farm boys

I would LOVE prices like that near me!!! Too bad it’s not close to Dallas!

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My father lives in a Dallas and makes the commute back to Mo almost monthly! You can buy it an drive up during deer season if you like;) We can work something out if you want me to plant your food plots for you! Lol
Yep closer to home with future plans to build a compound for my growing family lol

No well. Soil generally handles septics well in this area. The county is not real stringent on stuff like that either. Having a tough time getting down to Bush hog. So much rain this yr is keeping my landscaping business hopping. Hope to get down soon to clean up a bit for tours

Thank you

I am sure you have heard of the term "curb appeal" in real estate, with recreational properties there is a thing called "wife appeal" ... :emoji_wink:
I am sure you have heard of the term "curb appeal" in real estate, with recreational properties there is a thing called "wife appeal" ... :emoji_wink:
You ain’t lying!
I considered this. My banker told me he has a tough time getting farms to appraise for what Whitetail properties gets them under contract for allot of times. I may go that route. Something to be said for not having to jack around with giving property tours. I think it will sell to one of the few that expressed interest. I will keep you guys posted.
He’s right about that at times. But not everyone needs a bank to buy either. They sold my farm to an out of state buyer looking for a great whitetail farm. He showed up, toured it once, then went to the title company wrote a check for it and signed the paperwork that same appraisal needed.

I did have it under contract to the first people that looked at it and the appraisal from FCS came back crazy low (for a couple if ressom which I am still scratching my head about now), which my realtor said is not unusual for that particular FCS office (in St. Joe, MO). He was confident we could get it to appraise out with a standard appraiser, but turns out we didn’t need it.

The company that sold it brought the buyer too. They had a lot buyers they were working with that we’re looking specifically for deer farms so that also helped.
Shook hands on selling the farm yesterday to the very first person I toured it to. After riding around on quads and looking at loaded up chestnut and pear trees we parked under a shade tree and talked the business side. Gentleman agreed to pay my full asking price and cover any expenses for his real estate friend to draw up contract and execute the sale. Said he already had finance ball rolling an I will have money in 2-3wks. He proceeded to tell me that I am welcome to hunt the farm with my kids and that he would like to use me for continued guidance on trees, food plots, etc. He said he had allot of respect for everything I had done on the ground and looked forward to continuing the plan with my guidance. Not gonna lie boys I had tears rolling down my cheeks after he said that. He owns a very nice home with lake near to my farm and said I was welcome to take my kids fishing any time. We road quads to his house and drank a cold beverage and talked about habitat management. Crazy how paths cross in this world. Have a strong since that I will be friends with this gentleman for years to come. After we parted ways I road back to my farm an dropped to a knee right there on the ridge top and thanked God for always prevailing and bringing joy to my life.
Had to share that with my habitat friends. Onto the next chapter with a smaller but closer more accommodating parcel. Jordan Selsor ain’t done with habitat work! Stay tuned for what’s next:)
Shook hands on selling the farm yesterday to the very first person I toured it to. After riding around on quads and looking at loaded up chestnut and pear trees we parked under a shade tree and talked the business side. Gentleman agreed to pay my full asking price and cover any expenses for his real estate friend to draw up contract and execute the sale. Said he already had finance ball rolling an I will have money in 2-3wks. He proceeded to tell me that I am welcome to hunt the farm with my kids and that he would like to use me for continued guidance on trees, food plots, etc. He said he had allot of respect for everything I had done on the ground and looked forward to continuing the plan with my guidance. Not gonna lie boys I had tears rolling down my cheeks after he said that. He owns a very nice home with lake near to my farm and said I was welcome to take my kids fishing any time. We road quads to his house and drank a cold beverage and talked about habitat management. Crazy how paths cross in this world. Have a strong since that I will be friends with this gentleman for years to come. After we parted ways I road back to my farm an dropped to a knee right there on the ridge top and thanked God for always prevailing and bringing joy to my life.
Had to share that with my habitat friends. Onto the next chapter with a smaller but closer more accommodating parcel. Jordan Selsor ain’t done with habitat work! Stay tuned for what’s next:)

Thanks for getting my Sunday morning off to a good start. That is a great story.
That is rare to find a buyer that lets you continue to hunt it.
Congrats Jordan!
It's nice to see that all the habitat work you put in showed real value to the buyer and it's a boost for all of us that keep sinking money into habitat work even if we aren't planning on selling. The new owner letting you and the family still hunt some is icing on the cake.
Shook hands on selling the farm yesterday to the very first person I toured it to. After riding around on quads and looking at loaded up chestnut and pear trees we parked under a shade tree and talked the business side. Gentleman agreed to pay my full asking price and cover any expenses for his real estate friend to draw up contract and execute the sale. Said he already had finance ball rolling an I will have money in 2-3wks. He proceeded to tell me that I am welcome to hunt the farm with my kids and that he would like to use me for continued guidance on trees, food plots, etc. He said he had allot of respect for everything I had done on the ground and looked forward to continuing the plan with my guidance. Not gonna lie boys I had tears rolling down my cheeks after he said that. He owns a very nice home with lake near to my farm and said I was welcome to take my kids fishing any time. We road quads to his house and drank a cold beverage and talked about habitat management. Crazy how paths cross in this world. Have a strong since that I will be friends with this gentleman for years to come. After we parted ways I road back to my farm an dropped to a knee right there on the ridge top and thanked God for always prevailing and bringing joy to my life.
Had to share that with my habitat friends. Onto the next chapter with a smaller but closer more accommodating parcel. Jordan Selsor ain’t done with habitat work! Stay tuned for what’s next:)
Man that’s outstanding! I hope it all comes together as you both agreed to. Congrats on the pending sale and great deal!
Don't know how you could have done much better than that...
How great!
hope It Continues to go so well!!!
Wow! You couldn't ask for a better outcome. Congrats on your success.
:emoji_thumbsup: , cant wait to see and hear about the next properties projects! Congrats on the sale!
Good luck hope it all works,couldn't imagine those land prices,we are 2000-3000 and alot of times less
Shook hands on selling the farm yesterday to the very first person I toured it to. After riding around on quads and looking at loaded up chestnut and pear trees we parked under a shade tree and talked the business side. Gentleman agreed to pay my full asking price and cover any expenses for his real estate friend to draw up contract and execute the sale. Said he already had finance ball rolling an I will have money in 2-3wks. He proceeded to tell me that I am welcome to hunt the farm with my kids and that he would like to use me for continued guidance on trees, food plots, etc. He said he had allot of respect for everything I had done on the ground and looked forward to continuing the plan with my guidance. Not gonna lie boys I had tears rolling down my cheeks after he said that. He owns a very nice home with lake near to my farm and said I was welcome to take my kids fishing any time. We road quads to his house and drank a cold beverage and talked about habitat management. Crazy how paths cross in this world. Have a strong since that I will be friends with this gentleman for years to come. After we parted ways I road back to my farm an dropped to a knee right there on the ridge top and thanked God for always prevailing and bringing joy to my life.
Had to share that with my habitat friends. Onto the next chapter with a smaller but closer more accommodating parcel. Jordan Selsor ain’t done with habitat work! Stay tuned for what’s next:)

I got a tear in my eye just reading this...Very happy for you. Congratulations. I will have owned my land for one year this October. I am already attached.
Congrats Jordan! I live just west of you, south of Truman lake. Look forward to following along as you work on the new place.
What a story! Good things happen to good people! Keep it up man!
Just an update guys. Farm sale went through this wk. Closed on selling an buying in the same setting at the title co Monday...
A little Bittersweet. Chestnut Valley Farms new owner called me an hour after closing to again extend the invite to come out and hunt and visit any time I am in the area. He mentioned working together on habitat projects. Hope he will be on board with expanding the old farm place apple plot! Not everyday you make a new friendships. They say friendships are eternal. Much more worth our time investing in than material things:)
Just an update guys. Farm sale went through this wk. Closed on selling an buying in the same setting at the title co Monday...
A little Bittersweet. Chestnut Valley Farms new owner called me an hour after closing to again extend the invite to come out and hunt and visit any time I am in the area. He mentioned working together on habitat projects. Hope he will be on board with expanding the old farm place apple plot! Not everyday you make a new friendships. They say friendships are eternal. Much more worth our time investing in than material things:)

Jordan congrats! Just as a counter, business transactions and friendships are never good in the same process. If they were, the world would a much better place.

I too have come a away from multiple property transactions thinking a good force was created ... learned some difficult lessons. WE put a lot of our heart, sweat, and resources into these properties, not everybody has the same view.

Enjoy your new place, it is your future ... :emoji_wink:
That’s Great!

Two and a half years ago my wife and bought a house with 4 attached apartments 2 blocks from the ocean. We do weekly rentals all summer and weekends here and there through Christmas. The older couple that sold it to us are in their early 80’s and it was getting to be to much for them. Long story short, we had dinner with them last week and see them quite often.

They bought a house near by in the woods and couldn’t garden because of ticks. I introduced them to permethrin. :)
If I’m away at the farm and something breaks, he will come over and help my wife fix it.

Never bought or sold a property where I became friends with the buyer or seller. I could always see that going wrong but in this case it’s been a nice thing. Hopefully your situation is the same