J-birds place

It wasn’t as productive as I would have liked. We never really saw anything while hunting to really get your blood going. I had them on cam but nothing in day light. I tagged a few does for the freezer. There is always next year.
I had the same type of year unfortunately and I haven't shot a good buck for the last 2 seasons, the last one is my profile picture. I saw a few good ones both years but only during bow season and too far to shoot comfortably. Gotta take the good with the bad.
I had the same type of year unfortunately and I haven't shot a good buck for the last 2 seasons, the last one is my profile picture. I saw a few good ones both years but only during bow season and too far to shoot comfortably. Gotta take the good with the bad.
It's all part of it and I get it, but it just seemed to pour it on for a while. I had my eye on a buck who I saw last year that I had to pass and I had him on cam as well this year....but I never got a crack at him. The only real excitement deer hunting wise is that down the road about 10 miles the Huff Buck was shot (211+ typical). So nothing like a new state record not far away to prove the area can produce some big deer! I did check cams yesterday and we had a few decent bucks survive thus far, so maybe I will see them again this coming season. I got some work to for this winter and I'm gonna go back to corn or soybean plots this spring/summer and to try to pull and hold more does. I have found that if I can hold more ladies....my buck hunting becomes far better....since I don't have the cover to hold the bucks.
So I have been back to work at my place. I just beat the rain in this evening from planting 5 new apple trees. 3 enterprise and 2 ark blacks in my sw mast orchard. These 5 should finish out the tree planting there. I am also considering planting some shrubs and the like at the base of my more established apple trees. I figure the cages are still there so why not plant some browse and berry type shrubs as well. I figure the more mature trees shouldn’t suffer from this and it gives me more diversity as well. I did some some gobbling going on as well so at least the turkeys are happy.
Headed out Monday to plant my trees. Apparently Turkey season start then also. I won’t be chasing them.
Good to see you. Hope all is well.
Headed out Monday to plant my trees. Apparently Turkey season start then also. I won’t be chasing them.
Good to see you. Hope all is well.
Things have been busy. Started the new job back in January and I love it, but it keeps me busy. I have a daughter in college in Atlanta that getting her back and forth cuts into time (and for a while I was her math tutor) and my youngest is graduating HS so we have had college visits, meetings, and all that prep work as well (She is going to be a "volunteer" by the way - Tennessee Knoxville). Toss in the MIL being ill so the wife isn't around as much, so I am picking up the slack and I've been busy. I have been doing far more cooking, cleaning, dishes and laundry than burning, cutting, planting, and plotting!

I tell my kids all the time...."your actions define your actual priorities, despite what you may say they are". I hope at least some day they will see that I may be a deer/habitat nut.....but home comes first.
Good to see you posting, J Bird

The tractors are stirring and putting seed in the ground around me....the pro's/farmer's that is. It will be memorial day weekend when I plant, but it means the ground is warm enough.... Mostly corn going in now as most folks in my area will put the corn out first and then the beans as the beans tend to be more forgiving.

Had a close call last friday with Ryno (our little corgi pup) - turns out he tested positive for parvo. He seems to be doing much better now, but he has had a rough week or more. Friday before he got fixed....then a week later the bloody poops from the parvo.... He seems to be doing much better now. So far no other issues with the other dog either. I guess it's pretty serious for the younger ones however....

I did bust another coyote the other day...300 yards on the dot (that is laser range finder confirmed and not some bar talk either). 1 shot. Piled up right next to the one I shot about a month ago...couldn't have laid it there any better. Damn things! I'm running out of 22-250 ammo....so I'm gonna have to step up to the 308 I guess until I find more 250 ammo. I sure as hell ain't gonna quit shooting them just because I ran out of one type of ammo!!!! I'll use the bigger pow stick if I need to!!!!!
So this post is more for me and my records than anything else... I have not been active at all here in a long time as it has been a crazy year, with a new job (which I love but does keep me busy during the work day) 2 kids off to college (with one of them graduating high school as well) and just life in general. I haven't even had my cams up since I brought them in at the close of last season.... My deer stands are still up from last year!

The plots have done fine and some of the apples are/have done well also. This is one from a big box store so I have no idea what it is....and it took it's sweet time producing, but the critters don't care now. I am also finding that the ends of the apple branches seem to be a deer favorite as well. I knew they liked to browse them (thus why I cage the younger trees) but I have some where the deer really seem to like the leaves and branches even more than the apples.

I over-seeded the plots over the weekend. I put turnips, wheat ($23.71/50 lbs) and crimson ($3.09/lb) over top of my soybeans, and added some more ladino ($5.52/lb) to my perennial plots as well. The MG screens are doing well also.... This screen divides my plot off from a much larger 30 acres production bean field. This small connecting bit of cover also makes the deer more comfortable crossing out there vs a sprint across the open ground.
north plot screen.png

My most mature chestnut produced nice sized burrs this year but the nuts are pathetic. I think they didn't get pollinated as the other trees I had in the area have died (I plan to try to replace them at some point). I was surprised to see them even produce burrs.

chestnuts 1.png

I am anxiously awaiting the production from my sawtooth trees, that I grew from acorns from Catscratch. They are doing well and I keep telling myself "just one more year"..... The campus where my middle daughter goes to college (Atlanta) is covered with sawtooth oaks....and that just frustrates me even more because I see the very trees I have producing acorns like crazy.....and mine just need to grow up.
north sawtooth.png

Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things and partake here at least a little more than I have been. I made the mistake I looking at habitat related things on FB and to be honest....it just frustrates me. Not the advice....but there is always one perv in the group and the shear number of people that want to do as little as possible and be handed the world just ticks me off. It's time I get back to some folks who know what they are doing and appreciate getting their hands dirty!
Welcome Back!
It’s been cool to see your habitat knowledge grow over the years. Good luck this hunting season if you have time. What are your next plans this winter and spring for the place?

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Why are your plots that funny color of green?Mine are all dirt colored and yours look great,congrats on getting rain
Welcome Back!
things have been both physically and emotionally a bit draining this year. It started back during last hunting season.... My youngest, who was my little hunting buddy didn't hunt with me much as she was involved in getting ready to graduate HS. That sort of sucked the wind out of my sails a little bit to be honest (probably more than just a little bit). It's funny how, I started all of this for me and MY hunting....and yet, now it has very little to do with that at all. So I sort of slipped into a funk... I just lacked the motivation and the "give a damn" just went out the window. I had one in college who was struggling (emotionally with that) while I had the youngest busy with HS and then college. The youngest finished in the top 10 (maybe the top 5) of her HS class and has since started school at Tennessee (we knew it was a big football school - we didn't know it was a cult!). The one in Atlanta is doing much better this year which is great. The boy still lives at home but he essentially eats there and sleeps there and that is about all we see of him....so we are new to this "semi-empty nest" thing. After doing so much for your kids for so long and having that be the primary focus of your life.....it's tough to sort of start to live for yourself again. So now the habitat work is going to be more about hopefully helping me work thru some of this and re-finding who I am. My kids will always come first, but I got far more time on my hands now than ever before. Work is great, but keeps me busy while I am there, but so far I have not had any of that follow me home....which is a nice change as well. I will try to be a little more active here as I actually miss some of the actual discussions as FB is just frustrating..... Any how, let get back to talking about deer and habitat work!
It’s been cool to see your habitat knowledge grow over the years. Good luck this hunting season if you have time. What are your next plans this winter and spring for the place?

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It has certainly been a journey. So what I am finding as I get older is that we as habitat managers tend to do a lot of "fighting" with mother nature vs working with her. We also do a lot of things that require some level of constant attention. These are bad things for those of us that eventually will not be capable of being on the tractor or the like later in life. So with that in mind, I am working on more long term permanent food sources for the deer (mast trees and browse shrubs) as well as perennial plantings. In my area ag is king so I don't really need to feed the deer in the summer. I am typically surrounded by 100's or even 1,000's of acres of soybeans. As such I focus on my hunting season food sources and the other times of not so plenty. Annual food plots are great and all....but they also can be a lot of work. I am pushing 50 so in the not to distant future I'm not going to want to be out there messing with "working the land" every weekend.

As far as plans? The only real thing I need to do is that I need at least one, if not two more shooting houses. I lost my old ones during a wind storm a few years back and have essentially built a new one every year since. I need to work more on my screening as well. I have a few "holes" that I need to fill with trees but nothing major as well. I am more in the maintain phase of my plan more so than the implement phase so to speak. I also think that sometimes we work on our places too much. I live on my place so I can be out there whenever I want and I think that activity hurts me in some cases.
Why are your plots that funny color of green?Mine are all dirt colored and yours look great,congrats on getting rain
We have been OK here with the rain. Most of the ag crops are turning now. My ag fields of beans are drying down now....my plot beans are a few weeks behind them. I suspect we will see the combine by 10/15. But yes, rain has been hard to come by in some areas.

Sounds like you plots look like my little snafu in my yard....

I had my 3 pt sprayer on the tractor and had a little chemical left so I went and sprayed the weeds up along the house and the like. I had the booms folded up but I guess I forgot to turn them off! So I have a DEAD race track about 5 feet wide all over my yard!!! My wife is PISSED!!!!
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You mentioned the Huff buck a handful of posts back.. I've heard people make such bucks out to be a curse in the form of increased attention, pressure, etc for areas. I'm curious if you'll notice anything different in the area.
You mentioned the Huff buck a handful of posts back.. I've heard people make such bucks out to be a curse in the form of increased attention, pressure, etc for areas. I'm curious if you'll notice anything different in the area.
My neighbor shot a 200 plus a couple years back and then one of his neighbors auctioned off hunts for a fundraiser advertising it as “the farm next to where the 200 was shot”. He was pissed.
You mentioned the Huff buck a handful of posts back.. I've heard people make such bucks out to be a curse in the form of increased attention, pressure, etc for areas. I'm curious if you'll notice anything different in the area.
So where that deer was killed I am about 5 to 10 miles from as the crow flies. I have not seen any additional evidence in my area....yet, but I know of folks that live closer to that area and the road traffic has increased is what they tell me. To be honest the deer was simply a freak of nature and a 1 in a million odds or worse. The area it came from is known for having more deer overall in our county but that isn't saying much. It is literally a couple hundred acres of woods across several properties in an area that is 75% farm fields. And here cover is king. Our county as a whole NEVER comes close to being near the top for harvests and most people who live in this county hunt in other counties because better hunting is to be had not that far away. All this buck and hunter have proven to me is that sometimes you just get lucky. A lot like playing the lottery. I am sure some folks sooner or later will use this as a marketing tool to drive up land prices but the ag in the area does that enough as it is. We have already had leasing and the like in the area and finding access was difficult before. I have not seen or heard of any drastic changes.... In fact I am surprised at the number of people that have no idea that the deer was even killed. I am not so sure that a kill like that is as "life changing" as some may make it out to be. That sort of news is a big deal in some circles....but in the grand scheme of things....the deer hunting world as a whole is still a pretty small pond.
So I swore I would not buy any more dunstans because of the issues I have had ( I lost 2 nice trees to root rot - both right as they started to produce burs). However I have the one lone tree now that wants to produce that I don't have a pollinator for! So I went and bought 2 more.... I didn't want to, but I sort of didn't have a choice. So I got them home and put them straight into the ground and watered them. Seeing them burs on that tree and knowing they are worthless just really got me worked up. For as much as some folks like dunstans I tend to find them a little on the picky side. If these don't work I'll just plant Chinese and say "F it"!

This is the first one....you can see the larger tree in the back. This one had remnants of catkins on it already so hopefully we will get some production next year.....maybe enough to grow a few on the more mature tree....maybe.
CHEST 1.jpg

This is the second one. Not sure what the growth is on the top of this one....but it is still in the same plot as the other two and not 30 yards away.
CHEST 2.jpgCHEST3.jpg

Then while I was out I thought I would show you all my new tree cages..... This tube is roughly 8" in diameter and is galvanized material. I recovered these out of the trash hopper at work and cut them in half and made tubes about 4 foot tall out of them. The intent is for the tree to grow straight up and then once it breaks the top of the tube I will go with a more traditional wire cage for protection. These tubes are handy however for getting seeds and seedling through the smaller sapling phases of growth. The one in the pic has a small persimmons in it that is maybe 24" tall.

I also planted some SWO acorns in another project that I am punishing myself with in trying to grow them in a very small opening in the woods that I think just struggles to get enough light. The acorns where free so I'm only out my time, but I planted 2 acorns per spot and have 8 spots I think in a small area. So I don't need them all to grow, I just need one or two. The nuts are in their little "germination cages" made of hardware cloth and staked down as well. But yes....planting trees in the woods is sort of asking for a hole in the head!

And yes....I was out planting trees instead of deer hunting (season opened here 10/1).....I am behind in nearly every other way imaginable so whatever.....
So just for my records....the soybeans got harvested at my place over the weekend (all 4 fields had been beans).
So I was out making preparations for gun season....

I ended up leaving my stands up all year long....which I never do. This is part of the reason why...
What doesn't get chewed up gets shit all over!! And in some cases both!!

I am hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe some of the chestnut burs will have viable nuts in them...please, please, please!

Now that the beans are harvested the screen makes an even greater impact....

From the plot looking out....
screen from plot.jpg

From the field looking toward the same plot....
screen from field.jpg

In one of my stands/trees I found a surprise.... acorns!!
bur oak.jpg

even have some turnips popping up.... but I really need a nice soaking rain to help!