The biggest thing is hoping for a mild winter to bring the deer #s up. We will also keep talking to neighbors about deer hunting, we are pushing close to 1,000 acres of hunters that are doing some sort of passing yearling bucks. But the last two winters did not help at all.
On my 40, somewhat in this order:
- Start clearing 3 <.25 acre foot plots around the edges of the main woods/sanctuary areas, hopefully get a start around Christmas when up at the farm
- Plant 500 conifer
On my brothers 560, probably won't get all of this done in 2015 but its on the list.
- Have many discussions over some beers about what he should let me do to improve deer habitat
- Transplant some conifers and plant some new ones for screens and cover
- Plant some rye, radish and rape plots
- Move some stands around
- Figure out if its worth it to hunt the south 200 that has cattle on it.
- Work towards a future of no cattle in the pasture and/or better fencing off of the woods
- Start planning a ~10 acre pine tree planting in the cattle pasture west of the farm - should be good deer cover starting out but my brother will wants pine vs. spruce for the long term $$