Your Plans for 2015

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Plans for the 240:

Have a couple beers with my neighbor to the NE.

Bring a bottle of whiskey and BS with my neighbor to the East.

Bring some breakfast sausage to my non hunting neighbor to the north.

Have some beers with new neighbor to the West.

Visit my neighbor to the south who is wondering why his 900 acres is now a 'cold pocket'.

Do more habitat work.

Plans for the 827:

Meet neighbors to the east and see if they drink beer.

Meet neighbors to the west and see if they drink beer.

Stay in touch with neighbor to the north.

Stop in with a cooler and spend some time with the group to the south.

Do more habitat work.

Plan a couple information based get togethers with the other area landowners and hunters I am hoping will continue the effort to improve area hunting.
Any idea on the number of deer and deer hunters in MS?

1.75 million deer and 155,000 deer hunters. 3 bucks and 5 does limit
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I need to move to Mississippi I guess..... Wow.
They allow dogs,buckshot, poison tipped arrows, not very big deer and nasty snakes. 1 buck/day limit i believe
thanks for such a positive post!
Foggy, I have a 2 row 71 flex planter that was rebuilt and not been used since. I think there is corn and bean plates. $1000

We need to talk Jerry. I think I'd be your buyer.
Do I get a cut of the sale Jerry? I did a fine job of selling Foggy with my 5 star review of your planter. :)

If you buy it Tom, I can give you the exact gears and plates needed to plant the corn and bean seed at the proper rates. I followed the manual and did drop rate testing and got it down pretty good now.
Plans for the 240:

Have a couple beers with my neighbor to the NE.

Bring a bottle of whiskey and BS with my neighbor to the East.

Bring some breakfast sausage to my non hunting neighbor to the north.

Have some beers with new neighbor to the West.

Visit my neighbor to the south who is wondering why his 900 acres is now a 'cold pocket'.

Do more habitat work.

Plans for the 827:

Meet neighbors to the east and see if they drink beer.

Meet neighbors to the west and see if they drink beer.

Stay in touch with neighbor to the north.

Stop in with a cooler and spend some time with the group to the south.

Do more habitat work.

Plan a couple information based get togethers with the other area landowners and hunters I am hoping will continue the effort to improve area hunting.

Now there is a man with a plan ... I can see why many of you never see or shoot a deer ... RELAX ... DRINK SOME BEER ... ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS ... :cool:
No big projects planned this year.

Planting a few oak trees and some fruit trees.
Fertilize and control the competing vegetation around trees.
More hinge cut areas.
You and me both brother. Snake boots are probably on sale right about now ;)
Maybe we should all chip in and buy an 80 down there. Form a co-op and call it the Minnesota Venison Refuge.
So what improvements and changes do you have planned for 2015?
1. Stand adjustments (lots to do here)
2. Clear brush and and prepare a new kill plot which all will be done with hand equipment and no till.
3. Prune the apple trees
4. Cut large trees on south side of my existing small plot to get more sun on that plot
5. Meet with logger this spring to get plan figured out for the cut next winter including making existing plots bigger, creating funnels, create bedding and creating a trail around the perimeter of the property.

Add Batman's outreach to the list. 1000 spruces, couple new plots, 1-2 box stands (new), maybe grafting some apple trees if the stocks are big rnough.
Whatever NovForev..... They have deer and I like deer. I can deal with all that just to see a few more deer a season. LOLLL

Most of us dont have utopia..... :(

So far this year with bow, rifle and now muzzy I am at a grand total of 3 bucks seen for the year. 3 yearlings.... Yayy...... I ask myself frequently why I keep paining myself sitting on stand.
3 total bucks seen while on stand.... Is that classified as a pathetic year or a normal year in MN?? I am not sure which it is.
So what improvements and changes do you have planned for 2015?

1. Shoot the neighbor's dogs, goats, and chicken's.
2. Shoot the neighbor and burn down his house (if you could call it that).
3. Shoot the dogs from the other neighbor down the road that keep running through the property to screw the other dogs and chase deer.
4. Get that idiot turned in for being a crack-smoking loser.
5. Shoot a few wolves
6. Shoot some coyotes
7. Get the one of the neighbors to sell us more land.
8. Shoot the poacher who shot the deer on my land late Sept.
9. Put up no trespassing signs that read "Intruders will be shot, survivors will be shot again."

I am guessing that might improve the land more than any food plot or anything else that I could do or plant. I think I may have gotten one of the major offending dogs last fall with some special brats I made for him. I dropped them on the side of the road and watched him walk over and enjoy them. Neither myself or the neighbor has seen him since. Caught him way too many times on cam chasing hard. Calls the the GW and sheriff did nothing.
I hope you have ample suppies of ammo. Its gonna be a busy year! haaaaaaaaaaaa
1. Shoot the neighbor's dogs, goats, and chicken's.
2. Shoot the neighbor and burn down his house (if you could call it that).
3. Shoot the dogs from the other neighbor down the road that keep running through the property to screw the other dogs and chase deer.
4. Get that idiot turned in for being a crack-smoking loser.
5. Shoot a few wolves
6. Shoot some coyotes
7. Get the one of the neighbors to sell us more land.
8. Shoot the poacher who shot the deer on my land late Sept.
9. Put up no trespassing signs that read "Intruders will be shot, survivors will be shot again."

I am guessing that might improve the land more than any food plot or anything else that I could do or plant. I think I may have gotten one of the major offending dogs last fall with some special brats I made for him. I dropped them on the side of the road and watched him walk over and enjoy them. Neither myself or the neighbor has seen him since. Caught him way too many times on cam chasing hard. Calls the the GW and sheriff did nothing.
Umm I'm not really sure what to say except that if you invite me over for brats I'll take a pass.
If you buy it Tom, I can give you the exact gears and plates needed to plant the corn and bean seed at the proper rates. I followed the manual and did drop rate testing and got it down pretty good now.

BLB, I'll take that information as last year was my first year with my planter and I had way to high of a seed rate for my corn.
BLB, I'll take that information as last year was my first year with my planter and I had way to high of a seed rate for my corn.

Next time run some seed out on a hard surface and count seeds. In the sand a 7" spacing for 30" rows, In the heavy ground 4.5" will work. If you have 15" rows double the spacing. These are aprox numbers but close enough for all practical purpose. Good luck next time!
Whatever NovForev..... They have deer and I like deer. I can deal with all that just to see a few more deer a season. LOLLL

Most of us dont have utopia..... :(

So far this year with bow, rifle and now muzzy I am at a grand total of 3 bucks seen for the year. 3 yearlings.... Yayy...... I ask myself frequently why I keep paining myself sitting on stand.
3 total bucks seen while on stand.... Is that classified as a pathetic year or a normal year in MN?? I am not sure which it is.
Normal year in MN. Pathetic just about everywhere else, accept where I hunt.:(
My plan for 2015 is to figure out if I should give it all up and retire to Missouri or keep working. Anyone make that sort of move lately? How did it go?

In the mean time I will hinge the next 8 acres at one of our Missouri farms and start logging some Soft maple, Cottonwood and a few Gun Stock Walnuts at another farm,..... if we don't sell it.
Next time run some seed out on a hard surface and count seeds. In the sand a 7" spacing for 30" rows, In the heavy ground 4.5" will work. If you have 15" rows double the spacing. These are aprox numbers but close enough for all practical purpose. Good luck next time!
Thanks John! I have sandy soil so I need to get my seed count right. I did pretty good last year becasue we got such good rain and I used allot of nitrogen.
Now there is a man with a plan ... I can see why many of you never see or shoot a deer ... RELAX ... DRINK SOME BEER ... ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS ... :cool:

Deer per sit is very good on my parcels.. My boys and my dad enjoy success when they set their goals in line with the herd.

My hunting gets better each year, and a lot of that is because of relations with the neighbors. I plan to keep those relationships intact, and build some more.
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