Work is screwed! New I-phone =new toy


Well I got an I-phone for work a few months ago and it was my first smart phone. Well the more I find out what it's capable of the more trouble I see myself getting into. First I found out it would play music off my kids I-tune account (they have terrible taste in music). Then I found out it will allow apps so I have a few games on it. And now I just figured out I can reach habitat-talk on the interwebs with it! I also love the pics and texting ability. This thing does everything but drives car - and in time it might even do that too. This post is my first I-phone post .......this is SO AWESOME! If I'm not careful my butt may go numb - you know what I mean! Only place I can get some privacy!
I just got my 4th smart phone yesterday after the battery started making me nervous on my HTC One X+ after 2 years (it gets HOT, and the charge won't last more than 4 hours). Getting my business email configured has been the only hiccup since the server doesn't seem to want to talk to the Galaxy s5 Active (not the newest version, but I like the features better than the s6's).

Pandora radio has replaced my music players in the truck.

I would never go back to a dumb cell phone.
It took me a long to to give up my flip phone but now I'm glad I did. The only thing I have to really lean is how to post pics from the phone.
Copy/paste from photobucket. :)
My girls are laughing at me - this is great - I guess I really have been living under a rock!
Took forever to convince me to switch from my flip phone as well, got my first non-flip smart phone back in Nov. I love my Galaxy S5, just got the new Android OS software upgrade and I love the thing. I have been accessing H-T since the first week I got it, but only in a pinch, I still would rather do anything on a full sized screen than on even the largest cell phone sized screen. Hopefully getting my 49" UHD TV monitor at work either this coming week or next.:cool:
You want a 49" monitor out in the stand with you?? :p

I love surfing the web when it's slow on the stand. That's usually when I'm reading up on old PDF's from the forestry service and USDA.
I would if my phone would output 4K resolution and I had a way to power it without noise.;):D
Touche :D
You'll need to get an external battery pack for long days in the stand.
Galaxy s5 active has replaceable batteries. Just pull the back off the case and swap it out. New batteries are about $12.
My girls are laughing at me - this is great - I guess I really have been living under a rock!
Welcome to to the 21st century! We were in the Orlando airport and there was a pay phone on the wall. My nine year old looked it up and down and asked me "daddy what is that". The guy standing next to it almost spit out his coffee.
I tell people all the time that I'm a 20th century man in a 21st century world! My kids didn't know what a casette was or what a 3.5 inch computer disc was and they where lost with a rotary phone. But I filped out when my phone started texting what I was saying and I had to delete a lot of curse words from that text!
I tell people all the time that I'm a 20th century man in a 21st century world! My kids didn't know what a casette was or what a 3.5 inch computer disc was and they where lost with a rotary phone. But I filped out when my phone started texting what I was saying and I had to delete a lot of curse words from that text!

I did the same thing when I first got a smart phone. I was learning how to use it and got into something I never saw before, I said out loud what the @uck is this and it auto typed it on the screen.
I tell people all the time that I'm a 20th century man in a 21st century world! My kids didn't know what a casette was or what a 3.5 inch computer disc was and they where lost with a rotary phone. But I filped out when my phone started texting what I was saying and I had to delete a lot of curse words from that text!

My 16 year old and I were talking about this the other day. I told him you kids today think your something with your WiFi.
Pfft, when I was a kid we had HiFi And Dolby, baby! :p
Do you remember having to take a book of match's and jam it under the 8 track to get it to play right?
or what a 3.5 inch computer disc was
The 3.5" plastic floppy disc was a technological marvel compared to the 5.25" and 8" cardboard floppy's. Both my daughters thought I was nuts when I said it took like 20 or more of those to load a game on to a computer back in those days.
here is a huge difference between when I was growing up and today.

When cash fell out of your birthday card you where king of the world and you had the world by the tail!

My kids would rather get some plastic gift card thing so they can shop on the interwebs and will buy something, anything just because they can! Cash - they sort of set aside like it puts them out of their way! I just offer to "hold it" for them :D. They have however figured out that game as well - I have to buy my own beer now:(.