Wolves showed up on the property.

Peplin Creek

5 year old buck +
so this year for the first time I have had wolves on camera. Anyone have wolves on their property? What kind of hunting can I expect moving forward? I don't have a lot.... yet..... From what I can gather I have for sure 3 of them. They seem to show up and then leave for weeks and then show back up. Nervous my best hunting days are over on the property.
When they are there, the deer won't be.

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Pepli creek, what county are you seeing them in?
South marathon county
I had them on my property in Southern Langlade County last year. Totally screwed up my hunting. The deer that remained would only move right at dark if at all. When the deer did come out in food plots they would be nervous as hell. They would look in woods and just spook for no reason and clear the plot. Feel sorry for you. I had pics of wolf pups last summer so they were there almost all the time. Haven't saw them this year, hoping they moved on.
It's an absolute joke that they are still on the protected list. I was talking to a farmer down the street a mile from the property. He lost 3 calves in one night. I have no idea how a farmer doesn't have the right to protect his livestock and a source of income that they need to survive. The DNR wouldn't even own up to it. Said at first it was coyotes then finally put them on the unconfirmed wolf kill list... complete joke. It's only going to get worse the further south they move in the state.
Best to get some xylitol and take care of the problem yourself. Your hunting will suck with wolves around.
Best to get some xylitol and take care of the problem yourself. Your hunting will suck with wolves around.
Never heard of xylitol. Looks to be a sweetener how do you use?
so this year for the first time I have had wolves on camera. Anyone have wolves on their property? What kind of hunting can I expect moving forward? I don't have a lot.... yet..... From what I can gather I have for sure 3 of them. They seem to show up and then leave for weeks and then show back up. Nervous my best hunting days are over on the property.

How big is your property?
Most people say when they have wolves that the deer totally vacate the area until the wolves move out. I'm sure that is true.

We have actually never observed that on our property. We have one area that gets more wolf activity than others and there always seems to be deer even when wolves are around. My brother had a wolf under his bow stand around 3am one morning (got pic of him on trail camera) and then he saw three bucks that morning within bowrange and shot one. Our trail cameras consistently show deer activity shortly after wolf, bear, and coyotes were there.....sometimes I wonder if there are so many predators in our area that the deer have no choice but to put up with it.....that or they're just too dumb to know better....lol!

There are just too many examples of hunting parties that see absolutely no deer when wolves are around so praying the night before deer season that the wolves are somewhere else is a good plan!
The wolf pack in my area never really leaves. They hang out within a mile or 2. But they make their rounds. Hang out there for a few days and move a little, and come right back a week later. When they work my area, they tend to work it until the deer herd is thinned way out, or that all the deer have moved on. After the wolves go through it takes a year or so for the deer to come back in decent numbers that make them worth hunting again.

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On 80 acres I wouldn't worry about it. They could cross your property in 3-4 minutes and their home range can be over 15,000 acres. If you are just now seeing them on camera, they have probably been there for years.

We have had them in our area and on my property for years, a neighbor has trapped several. I actually had one chase 2 does by by my bow stand a couple of years ago. The wolf came back through after being unsuccessful with the does and took out a turkey. The does were back in the food plot a couple hours later. With our deer density I actually think they are a good thing. We have seen no drop off in deer #'s from them.

If you have wolves, then you have coyotes and most likely bears. All part of the predator group.
On 80 acres I wouldn't worry about it. They could cross your property in 3-4 minutes and their home range can be over 15,000 acres. If you are just now seeing them on camera, they have probably been there for years.

We have had them in our area and on my property for years, a neighbor has trapped several. I actually had one chase 2 does by by my bow stand a couple of years ago. The wolf came back through after being unsuccessful with the does and took out a turkey. The does were back in the food plot a couple hours later. With our deer density I actually think they are a good thing. We have seen no drop off in deer #'s from them.

If you have wolves, then you have coyotes and most likely bears. All part of the predator group.

While this may be true to a point, what I notice is when the wolves are there, there are no coyotes around. The wolves will chase, kill any yotes in the area. Now after the wolves pass, the yotes come right back. Bear don't care about the wolves all that much. To be honest, I don't think adult deer care much about the bear. I will have pictures of deer, just minutes after a bear. But when wolves move in, no daytime deer pictures for a week at least.

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Peplin - Was it Saturday when they were on camera? Sunday morning I had 8 deer, 5 bucks in my front yard which is unusual. I'm about 1/2 mile west of the highway.
Peplin - Was it Saturday when they were on camera? Sunday morning I had 8 deer, 5 bucks in my front yard which is unusual. I'm about 1/2 mile west of the highway.

Thursday. 8/3
so this year for the first time I have had wolves on camera. Anyone have wolves on their property? What kind of hunting can I expect moving forward? I don't have a lot.... yet..... From what I can gather I have for sure 3 of them. They seem to show up and then leave for weeks and then show back up. Nervous my best hunting days are over on the property.
We have seen wolves for over a decade at our place. You don't want them and they can really spook your deer but all is not lost. When they first show up everyone thought the sky was falling and we would never shoot another deer. Now the neighbors are saying there are more deer than there have been in 10 years.

Things might get worse but you still can kill big bucks with wolves around. They move just like deer.
While this may be true to a point, what I notice is when the wolves are there, there are no coyotes around. The wolves will chase, kill any yotes in the area. Now after the wolves pass, the yotes come right back. Bear don't care about the wolves all that much. To be honest, I don't think adult deer care much about the bear. I will have pictures of deer, just minutes after a bear. But when wolves move in, no daytime deer pictures for a week at least.
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This is the same argument as ... If a tree falls in the woods, did it make a sound?

The fact that you have a fallen tree, is no evidence that it made a sound ... the fact that you think you saw a wolf on your camera, now all the deer leave the area?

Where do these deer go? Once the deer go to your neighbors property, what happens when the wolf goes there, and then they go to the next, and next property and so forth.

At some point you learn the predator/prey cycle exists, and everything comes back full circle ... predator enters an area, prey on alert, predator leaves, prey tends to revert back to normal activity.
Well said spud