Wolf Summit in Cumberland


5 year old buck +

Wisconsin Ag Connection
State Senator Tom Tiffany of Hazelhurst and Rep. Adam Jarchow from Balsam Lake say they have now determined the location of their proposed Great Lakes Wolf Summit. The two Republican lawmakers say the forum will take place September 15 at the Das Lach House in Cumberland. They first announced their intentions of holding such a meeting several months ago to discuss options on how to best control the region’s wolf population.
Wildlife officials, scientists, and interested parties from Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota are being invited to discuss the necessity for state-led wolf management programs.
“Our intent is to send a crystal-clear, grassroots message that it is irresponsible to ignore this issue any longer,” the legislators said in a press release. “The state of Wisconsin is more than willing, and able, to manage the wolf population within our borders when the species is once again delisted.”
Due to a federal court decision, wolves in the western Great Lakes area were relisted under the Endangered Species Act two years ago. Prior to that time, states were given the authority to regulate wolf populations, which prompted Wisconsin to offer a limited hunting season for the animals.
There have been multiple incidents involving wolf attacks on livestock so far this year, especially in northern Wisconsin. Sen. Tiffany says these attacks are examples of ‘the unfortunate results of the wolf population being allowed to run rampant in Wisconsin.’
I hope they get somewhere with this, but it will more then likely be drug out in court forever. Luckily the wolves in my area have moved on the past 2 years, and deer are starting to recover, but that just means they will more then likely move back into the area to thin them back out.
Good deal. They won't have to go far to find a few wolves!