Minnesota Moose as an Endangered Subspecies


5 year old buck +
Today, I heard on the radio that some group is taking action to list Mn. Moose as endangered.

Will that mean large areas of Mn. will be managed for low deer numbers in hopes of increasing the moose population?

Will it mean the feds being involved in management of our state forest lands?

How will conflicts between the management of two endangered species be managed-the wolf and the moose?
Sounds likes wolves have to get in the back seat. How long before your deer are listed?
Good thing we are talking about bring some elk into new places in the NE MN.
Good thing we are talking about bring some elk into new places in the NE MN.

Just what I was thinking. spend money on elk reintro, spend money on moose listing, spend money for moose and elk habitat, raise deer hunters license fees to support these other programs.
Just what I was thinking. spend money on elk reintro, spend money on moose listing, spend money for moose and elk habitat, raise deer hunters license fees to support these other programs.
We are the Gobberment and were here to help...:rolleyes:
Actually, I've been thinking about this a bit more. Maybe the best thing that could happen would be to put the MN moose on the endangered species list. With wolves only being relisted due to social and political pressure by the bunny-hugging crowd and not due to the fact that they are truly an "endangered" species(when a species has consistently increased numbers for many years and is thriving, it is hardly considered endangered) the science would dictate that the moose receive the higher levels of protection and that the wolves should take a backseat to the protection of the moose. This could mean wolves would have to be dealt with in any areas that were considered moose habitat to protect the few calves that are born each year. Might not be a totally bad thing in the long run.
Actually, I've been thinking about this a bit more. Maybe the best thing that could happen would be to put the MN moose on the endangered species list. With wolves only being relisted due to social and political pressure by the bunny-hugging crowd and not due to the fact that they are truly an "endangered" species(when a species has consistently increased numbers for many years and is thriving, it is hardly considered endangered) the science would dictate that the moose receive the higher levels of protection and that the wolves should take a backseat to the protection of the moose. This could mean wolves would have to be dealt with in any areas that were considered moose habitat to protect the few calves that are born each year. Might not be a totally bad thing in the long run.
However, any area that has ever seen a moose track might be considered potential range for recovery of the species. Look at what they have tried to do in declaring wolf range. Once areas are designated potential moose range, deer numbers would have to be kept very low so the brainworm does not kill any potential moose that might wander through the area.
T V today talked about wolves and bear taking 60% of moose calves. Alberta, Ontario, and Alaska.
T V today talked about wolves and bear taking 60% of moose calves. Alberta, Ontario, and Alaska.
There was a study completed in Minnesota a couple years ago and the percentage of calves taken by wolves/bears was over 70%, abnormally high.

I wonder why that would be, many more wolves than estimated?
Tipping point. Once the predator pop gets so high, they will destroy their food source and then move into the arrowhead cities and start eating pets. I feel for the parents in those towns. Outdoor news mentioned a few months ago already that Duluth had more wolf-pet kills through April this year than all of 2014.
WE have been down this road before. It the wolves. The moose decline matches right up with an exploding wolf population in MN. Its not brain worm, its not global warming and it doesnt take a PHD to figure it all out.

The wolves on Isle Royale are all but gone and the moose population is exploding there.

Meanwhile on the mainland the Wolves continue to be the number one killer and the DNR is number two.

I'm sure that wolves do kill lots and lots of moose in Minnesota. I'm very thankful we do not gave them in NH. All I'm saying is Maine , New Hampshire, and Vermont do not have any wolves and our moose populations have dropped as much or worse than Minnesota.

The death they die is not a fun one. The ticks suck the blood from them and weaken them. They rub their fur off trying to stop the itch. This calf was on my property a few years ago. I didn't know what the coloration issue was with it until the last couple years. It's rubbed the fur completely from its front shoulders. If I go into moose yards late winter I see trails of fur and blood where they've rubbed themselves on stumps, rocks, logs and trees. I never saw that until 7-8 years ago.


These articles explains the moose population drop in the northeast.


Maybe Minnesota's problem is solely wolves as you think. I'd love to see a study on the moose on that island and winter ticks. If they have them and the population is increasing then , to me, that proves your point about the wolves being a big issue.

Over the last 40 years I've seen our moose population go from non existent to very common to not so common. I never saw a tick in my life until about 7-8 years ago. Now they are a pain to deal with.
I am somewhat convinced that many of our populations go in cycles. The cycle might be short or decades long. Who knows, maybe centuries!
NH, thanks for pointing out the comparison between MN and the east coast. Often times people here will blame the wolf for no other reason than they don't want to hear what others have to say.