Wolf Management in MN - Bill SB 2969


Yearling... With promise
Maybe this is old news to everyone but just saw this on another forum site.


"Ignoring overwhelming evidence that wolf populations are on the rise, a MN senator has introduced legislation that would prohibit the establishment of a hunting season for gray wolves.
Senate Bill 2969 removes scientific management of wolves from the DNR and instead implements a political decision that makes it much harder to repeal should management ever be needed in the future. The bill has been sent to the Senate Committee on Environment and Energy.
With the population of wolves continuing to rise unchecked, the authors of SB 2969 seek a permanent ban on a wolf hunt. In the meantime, the over populated segment of Great Lakes wolves continues to cause damage to both livestock, pets and other wildlife, including moose, deer, cattle, and dogs."

Contact your state senator and ask them to vote NO on SB 2969.