Wisconsin Wolf Population Grows by 13 Percent


5 year old buck +
Wisconsin's wolf population grew by 13 percent even with last years wolf trapping and hunting season. I can only imagine that it will grow by over 20 percent without the hunting/trapping season. To bad they can't get the elk population to grow at that rate in Wisconsin.

And they lowered the quota because they thought the population would decline too fast. Should have left last year's quota the same as the year before
This data will get them delisted in wi, dnr studies do good once and a while
Wolves seem to be a part of an agenda to lower deer numbers. Understate wolf numbers while downplaying the deer density declines.
This data will get them delisted in wi, dnr studies do good once and a while

Science based data collection makes discussion legitimate.
......and we need wolves for????
......and we need wolves for????

The only people who ponder are those with the big tracks in their dirt.
......and we need wolves for????
We need wolves in urban and suburban environs to reduce the riif-raff after dark. Throw in a few cougars for good measure.
It's a perfect storm really in a lot of areas. High bear populations, limited tags on bears, wolves in growing numbers, people trapping is down, harsh winters.. the deer are taking a toll. This is getting stupid that wolves are growing this much. Why do we have them again?? what is the real reason??

so the federal govt says we can't have pot, but it's legal in a lot of states. The federal govt says you can't shoot a wolf and the states back down??? What power does this judge really have?? Does this man or woman really want a bunch of upset yoopers, wisconnies, and minnesotians to deal with?? seriously?? reason number 100 why judges have way too much power in this country. So a federal judge can tell us what we can do on land we bought in paid for in the state of michigan??? seriously.. what can this judge do??

I would press the issue.. i would boldly tell this judge as a governor, you know what.. I don't agree with you and nor do the people in my state. Someone needs to challenge one of these judges.. some tree hugging judge has this much power is wrong.
Ironically...the stoners finally got off the couch and stopped eating Doritos long enough to organize and become politically involved. Anti-wolf people are nowhere near as organized and vocal as pro-wolf people...just like deer hunters are nowhere near as involved, organized, and active as are farmers, orchardists, foresters, the insurance industry, etc.

I find it rather amusing that the stoners are more willing to get involved and politically active than deer hunters. Says something...not sure what though....

Be amusing until their tracks are in your dirt. How did the wolf nuts convince citidots that wolves were needing help?

And how are hunters missing their lead?
Round up a million useful idots with a little money, or a few useful idiots with millions of dollars and make a tear jerker. Sure fire way to know when you're being swindled is whenever the appeal is made to your emotion and not your logic.

Maybe we should start leaning on the superstars of hunting to put their money where their mouth is.

Ooops. We dont know where our mouth is. == "Terrible buck doe ratio should be addressed first, no low deer numbers should be addressed first, no we should be focused on improving the age structure of our buck herd first, no we should be worried about disease first, no we should be worried about game farm deer first, etc. etc. etc.....ad nauseum"
Ironically...the stoners finally got off the couch and stopped eating Doritos long enough to organize and become politically involved. Anti-wolf people are nowhere near as organized and vocal as pro-wolf people...just like deer hunters are nowhere near as involved, organized, and active as are farmers, orchardists, foresters, the insurance industry, etc.

I find it rather amusing that the stoners are more willing to get involved and politically active than deer hunters. Says something...not sure what though....

Bingo!!!! And two other factors to add to that as well:

First, wolf worship is part of the new age mysticism. These people could care less how human are affected by anything, because they literally worship wolves. Do a Google search on "wolf lovers" and see what you find....

Second, our government (states and federal) has become filled with these people over the last 50 years. Liberals pander to them because of getting votes and place as many of them as possible in positions that make a difference.

Yea, its pathetic, but its reality.....
Like our DNR managers coming from the Sierra Club and Forest Resources Council?
Smith has hit the nail hard a couple times the past week.

1 - MN state deer groups need to craft, fund, and deliver a message the masses can grab and implement.

2 - We are taking a beating from organized groups that have been crafting and successfully sending their drafted message.
"dangers to forest regeneration"

Appears to be more of a perception than fact.

Wolves, forests, crops, cars, deer, moose and elk are becoming social and political perception based issues from 'science' rooted agencies.
I agree...but when city folks hear it and read it over and over...it becomes a "pseudo-fact" and then it becomes widely accepted as "fact"

Then we need to craft formalize a ''hear it over and over' message the masses accept as fact. Money to back it may come easy with the right message.

Maybe I should go see my mktg again.

Merchant and crew in St Paul will like reading stuff like this.
And our DNR Commisioner coming from the Nature Conservancy (who BTW released a statement regarding "dangers to forest regeneration" when the increase in deer herd was mentioned)
Believe me, that flew off the page and hit me right between the eyes as soon as I saw it. There is after all so much economic value in poplar and aspen considering a 40 acre tract is almost worthless in the eyes of a logger. A larger portion of northern MN is going to be as economically active as northern Cook county if deer hunting craps out. Of course if there are no deer, we can pull our boats to Red for two walleyes or Mille Lacs for 1.
Sure seems like Craig E. is ready to roll up the sleeves and get to work. Some kind of "alliance" among the deer groups in this state with a common message would be newsworthy I'd think. However, like a marriage...forming such an alliance is going to require compromise on everybody's part
I think Craig has done a very good job. Being in the Grand Rapids, somethings are missed from other parts of the state, but he has been speaking for the hunter. I think there is one reason hunters have started to wake up... Batman is the reason.