Wild plum germination?

Lee hall

A good 3 year old buck
My dad transplanted a couple wild plums in his yard. It makes thousands of plums. Hundreds of plum trees pop up every year. I would love to excavate the seedlings but I'd end up digging up the yard. Have any of you direct seeded native plum with any success. I would assume that I would possibly lose 90% but it wouldn't take a lot of effort with a tarp and bucket.
Wait for a soaking rain and pull away. I did this with some white pine. They pulled right out and I replanted them.
Plums are one of the few nuts I've had luck scattering, and germinating. I have planted them into a worked up soil with rye. Even ran the disc over the area once after planting, and culti packed. The following spring I planted my spruce into the rye. This is how all my new spruce are established.
Germination was good, a four foot tree tube won't protect them if you have too many deer.
I have a complicated method. Eat the plum, spit the seed on the ground, and step on it.

Tuesday, I dug some root stopck suckers forma domestic plum. I assume they are wild plum. I dug the first few, but then just turned the sod and pulled out the plum with a chunk of root. Planted them with some root gel. I have done this other years with pretty good success.

You can just push the sod back in the hole where you dug the root sucker.
I've planted gallons of wild plums that I collected in my yard, I would just walk around with a bucket of plums and bury them under an inch of soil and repeat. I have no idea what my germination success was, but I do know that there are lots of young plum trees growing in the areas I planted the plums.