Clover is such a good plant in a food plot, I put in it anything I plant anything. Even if you did something like cowpeas or buckwheat, I'd put some clover in.
I have done clover only plots before with just medium red and ladino. It has worked well for me. Medium red grows qucker.
Mixing some wheat and oats is a good fall companion for the clover. In the fall, the clover starts slowly, so the deer focus on the wheat and oats. The deer enjoy the oats until you get a roughly 15 deg F night, then the oats die. The wheat comes back in the spring to keep the deer off the clover somewhat. Rye should be used instead of wheat if land isn't great for food plots.
Seed and fertilizer aren't cheap. Get a soil test. Best 20 bucks you psend on your spot. I do a good soil test on a spot or two, then for a buck or two more per sample, they do a pH only test. I get that added for all my plots.
You could just mow the plot if it's just weeds. IF you need lime, throw some in now. If the spot doesn't have something growing, you don't mind rolling tires into it. Liming, leveling out bad spots, cutting treees around it, drainage channels, etc.....