Rooting plum trees


A good 3 year old buck
Hello friends. So, in effort to expand my collection of fruit trees around the farm, I've collected around 40-50 Stanley Prune Plum cuttings that I took from a tree I cut down at my aunt and uncle's place. I saved 20 for grafting to some American plums here now. Does anyone know the likelihood of rooting by the old fashion water in a bucket method with plums? I'd like to get some rooted if anyone has any good ways to do it? Thank you guys!!!
Not likely to have good success with the rooting in a bucket, but they should graft just fine to your existing wild plums.
you are better off tryng to air layer the plum. involves making a cut around the branch size about 3/8ths thick. choose a branch that size, make 2 cuts around the branch 3/4rs of an inch apart, all the way around and remove the bark, and green layer underneath. add rooting hormone to the top end edge, then wrap with moist sphagnum moss seale with saran wrap. wait until you see roots all the way around the inside of the saran wrap, remove the cutting and pot it up in its own pot to finish the season, plant it out next spring.
you are better off tryng to air layer the plum. involves making a cut around the branch size about 3/8ths thick. choose a branch that size, make 2 cuts around the branch 3/4rs of an inch apart, all the way around and remove the bark, and green layer underneath. add rooting hormone to the top end edge, then wrap with moist sphagnum moss seale with saran wrap. wait until you see roots all the way around the inside of the saran wrap, remove the cutting and pot it up in its own pot to finish the season, plant it out next spring.
I would have liked to do that, if I didn't have to cut the tree down. Lol
if it wasn't a grafted tree, you may find a few root suckers coming up this spring, and those can be taken with some root and transplanted.
No personally experience but it looks like you could dip plum into rooting compound and stick into soil. I'm not sure what your success rate would be but worth trying.