Best Non-apple/pear to Plant (Zn 6).....Peach, Plum, Apricot, Cherry, Etc?


5 year old buck +
I wanted to plant something other than apples and pears and although I do have a several dozen American plums around in a "wild setting", I am looking more for a true orchard tree.

They are clearly more maintenance than some apple and pears, but does anyone have a solid recommendation for a "limited maintenance" tree that is not an apple or pear that is also good eatin'?

Honestly like all fruits, so I don't really have a preference as to peach, plum apricot, cherry, etc.......just something that will live without huge amounts of maintenance and I can eat!
I've had good luck with Rainier cherries...other cherry trees not so much.

Of the cherry trees I have Stella, Black Gold, Bing. Rainier has been way better than the rest for me.
Persimmon, paw paw, chinese chestnut

I think maintenance is up to you. I don't think apple requires much effort if you try plant the right varieties and are willing to remove those that show problems.
You might also think about rows of bushes, perhaps with some electric fencing until established. Aronia, blueberry, hazelnuts, nanking/bush cherries, elderberry, grapes, hardy kiwi, currants, gooseberry, cranberry, honey berry, goji, goumi, black berry, beach plum. Lots of options that might work.
Jujube, mulberry.
I second mulberry a good mulberry is hard to beat.