Cummins grab bag trees

My trees look really good.

I got:

3x Esopus Spitzenburg on G11
3x Roxbury Russet on G11
3x Bulmers Norman on G11
1x Olympic pear on OHxF97
1x Shenandoah pear on OHxF87

I will plant it all up here, and hope the pears survive. I'm not thrilled about the dwarf trees, but I am thrilled that they are cider varieties. I am very happy overall. I have some serious changes to make on my orchard map, but I am quite happy with my grab bag. They even gave me an extra tree.
All mine are alive and growing. A few have doubled in height.

I think I will buy more grab bags in the future at this price.
I just bought a grab bag deal from cummins today! I can't wait to see what I get. 101$ after shipping. 10$ a tree, I can't complain about that!
My wife weighs the potential benefits versus drawbacks of my assassination daily. As long as I’m worth slightly more alive than dead, I am allowed to live. Pro tip: never provide less than your life insurance plan can replace. Happy planting friend


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My wife weighs the potential benefits versus drawbacks of my assassination daily. As long as I’m worth slightly more alive than dead, I am allowed to live. Pro tip: never provide less than your life insurance plan can replace. Happy planting friend


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G2 ... where did you get those dippled pots?
The bigger ones are 3 gallon rootbuilder 2s from rootmaker. I wrapped in chicken wire today to keep the neighborhood rodents out.

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my 10 grab bag trees consisted of:

Kingston Black
Crimson Topaz
(2) Galarina
(2) sweet sixteen
(2) michelin

All in all, not bad. Roots look amazing, but the trees are pretty small.