WI bow starts Saturday


5 year old buck +
Who's going for the opener?

I am.
Who's going for the opener?

I am.

Leaving here in 2 hours for up north.

Best I can hope for is a doe.

Should be great weather though. 38 deg for a low tonight. We have had gun season openers be warmer.
Not me-wedding. Some mega bucks running around that rival Iowa. Gonna be some bc entries from central wi. This might be the best year, ever! I really mean that. It's amazing how much that winter impacts antler growth.
Though about it, but with nothing more than a 5 point yearling on camera, will likely enjoy the weather and fish as much as possible this weekend and the next couple. Shouldn't be hard to put a limit of gills away for the winter. Can always shoot a doe w/ the gun if I need meat. Also talked to a guy 1/4 mile away and they don't have much on camera either. He showed me 3 that are probably 2.5-3.5 year olds but nothing over 100".

I've been fishing long enough. I just want to get my butt in a tree and relax. I don't relax when fishing. Always something going on.
U guys and those cameras. Throw them out
U guys and those cameras. Throw them out
Especially with the temp drop. That could change things in a hurry.

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1st birthday party for one of my future deer camp prospects so I'm out. Will probably go the second weekend just to watch deer feed on my new plot from my new stand. Heck maybe a good one will even make an appearance.
I'm going to try to beat the Amish army. But then again they really don't wait for the season to open.
I haven't done much fishing lately so I'm going to hit it good the rest of september. I try to in October but hunting always gets in the way. Weather looks absolutely perfect this weekend.

I can relax fishing in wisconsin. Canada is a different story. I run the trolling motor and always feel like its a job more than a vacation.

When I go fishing. It's almost always with our boys. There is always something to fix, bait, take off, untangle, etc . Plus I'm trying to navigate the boat

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I plan on being out there.
probably be in a tree at least for one evening.
Good luck guys!!
Was gonna go Monday but was able to get outta work tomorrow so I will be out Saturday. Couldn't ask for better conditions. Good luck to all
Hope the skeeters aren't too bad for you guys, early season can be fun if you hit the right weather. I hunted northwest Mn quite a few years back and one opener we had a 25 degree morning. Good luck neighbors!
Good luck Sconnie hunters. Just remember to "shush" 'em our way.
Not me. I will be chasing bear for a few weeks.
Plan to go out in the afternoon. If any of the 4 shooters do what they have been doing lately I could be one busy guy Saturday night lol
Nice night for sitting. Here's my view looking north. Little soybean plot with corn east, west and south of me.

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Nice night for sitting. Here's my view looking north. Little soybean plot with corn east, west and south of me.

This looks like a spot deer would like. Only 1 person hunting?
Sw wind tomorrow evening, which doesn't really work for the spots the shooters are hanging at. I might sit tomorrow night on more of a scouting trip