Who carries a hand gun

Do you carry a weapon (hand gun) concealed or open

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Probably shooting cheap .38 ammo out of it...
Nope it was cheap target .357 ammo that was many years old. Didn't even leave a blood trail. Round that was caught in hoody should've gone right through his gut. Had he not gone to the ER to have the bullet in arm removed he may have gotten away with it.
Guns are like tools. Each one has its intended purpose. Sure you can use a screwdriver as a pry bar but don't be surprised when it bends. Much like you can kill a doped up burglar with a .22lr but there are much better choices out there. Match the tool/gun for the job and the effectiveness and safety will increase. And your gun safe will fill up quicker ;):D.
Penetration is good, usually real good ;), but overpenetration can be a problem. What are those living in urban areas counting on for self defense INSIDE your home? Drywall and vinyl siding won't stop a rifle bullet, shotgun slug, 00 buck, or even high penetration pistol rounds. Don't forget about your neighbors or worse yet your family members on the other side of the wall in your home. It may sound crazy but birdshot is great load for self defense inside the home. At that close of a range you are going to put a real hurting on bad guy without endangering your family as much. Sorry if it sounds like I'm preaching this stuff but if I can pass some knowledge on the subject to even one person it could save the life of someone close to one of us.
I totally agree bueller, I would never have used one of those rounds indoors, too much potential for residual damage. If and when I kept that hand cannon loaded in the home, it was with 240gr factory hollow points. My turkey gun(3" mag 870, 21in barrel, minus the turkey choke, of course) with #4 lead Nitro Mag's are what I keep for in house "protection". A load of those to the upper torso/head region will likely stop most any assailant at room/hallway sweeping ranges and it's hard to miss.
I totally agree bueller, I would never have used one of those rounds indoors, too much potential for residual damage. If and when I kept that hand cannon loaded in the home, it was with 240gr factory hollow points. My turkey gun(3" mag 870, 21in barrel, minus the turkey choke, of course) with #4 lead Nitro Mag's are what I keep for in house "protection". A load of those to the upper torso/head region will likely stop most any assailant at room/hallway sweeping ranges and it's hard to miss.
The sound of a shotgun being racked strikes more fear into shitheads than the sight of the gun alone. Same goes for a laser. Of course that's if you want them to know what's about to happen. Again depends on the situation.
I found the same to be true when being in the vicinity of sketchy characters while I was open carrying that massive scoped .44 mag. Quite a number of times I had less than desirable folks around while I was docking a boat or out mushroom/berry hunting that saw that thing and just turned and walked the other way. One such occurrence was with 3 punks at the WI River/Hwy 21 boat dock after duck hunting one evening. It was near dark and no one else was using the dock that day and there was very little traffic on 21 when 3 guys in flannels drove up and parked near the front of my truck, not quite blocking me in, and proceeded to get out of their car and start walking around the dock area. The 2 on the north side of the dock saw what I was packing and walked straight back to their car and the 3rd guy just quickly asked if had shot anything and I responded with "Not yet, but I'm hoping I'll get lucky" and he went to the car and they drove off immediately towards Adams Co. after that. Not saying anything would have happened otherwise, but I was glad I didn't have to find out the hard way. One thing is for sure, I was glad to have that shiny piece of hardware on my belt that day.
I'm very surprised no one carries a 380 with all the lil carry pistols out there in this cal. I met a guy in the gun shop that got shot square in the deltoid with a 380. It lodged in his clavicle. He said it felt like somebody punched him really hard in the shoulder with a slight burning sensation added to it haha. Bet it would be a different story with a 9 or a 40 which with right ammo would have shattered his clavicle no doubt!
I carry a ruger 380 roughly every day during the work week for the last 8 yrs . In the evening or weekends it's an XDM 9
When the riots came through North Mpls in the mid 60's we got our house burnt up. Got escorted out of the area in the back of a national guard duece and a 1/2. I have hated people ever since. Just the way I am. Some people better hope I drop over on the run. Never give me 2 weeks!

I remember a story about the LA riots. A KoreaAmerican owned a store and was afraid of being over run. He called two of his buddies who were x-Korean marines. The three of them protected the store for several days.

The National Guard finally came in and told them to pack their guns and go home as the National Guard would take over. Yup, the store was overrun that night!
I'm bummed I missed a couple days on this one...

*When a person is carrying or loaded for defense, hollow points with a polymer insert are critical so your point doesn't clog and fail to expand. They cost a lot more than range ammo, but there is a reason; they're worth it.

*Different situations call for different types of defense weapons:

Urban carry - I'd go with a revolver, my choice was (can't carry at work and 95% of my urban time is at work) a S&W 642. Small, hammerless, huge bullet, "R" in revolver = reliable.

Home def big - I'd go with a pistol grip .410 Mossberg shotgun loaded with 2.5" 000 buckshot.

Home def small - Taurus Judge 6" barrel loaded with Winchester PDX .410 shotshells. When you run outta ammo, you just give it a flip and use the barrel like a hammer handle and commence beat down.

Bail-out or get-home bag - S&W M&P .22. You can carry 500 rounds in a half-full sandwich bag. http://www.theprepperjournal.com/2013/02/09/prepping-101-get-home-bag/

Woodland carry - Glock 22 .40. Big ammo without the big price.

Barn yard defense - DPSM Oracle in 5.56, 30rd mag, spring loaded bi-pod, 3x9 scope, three point sling, 55 grain Federal MCBT in 5.56.

Great Taurus Judge video:

Winchester PDX .410 simulation:
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