Who carries a hand gun

Do you carry a weapon (hand gun) concealed or open

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Jim's right, if you not ready to use your weapon with deadly force your better off not to carry. One of the best piece's of advise a LEO once gave me was a dead man can't testify. There are so many who carry because they think it's cool, that's not the reason to carry.
If you're not mentally prepared to kill someone to save yourself or another - you shouldn't carry a gun. The moment you have to draw on someone isn't the time to come to terms with that outcome, that hesitation could get you killed.

Our "instructors" harp on the idea of "stopping the threat" because that's the legal jargon you need to speak when you've used lethal force in our society. In reality a wounded aggressor is an angry one and adrenaline makes things worse before they get better. Add drugs to their chemistry and you need to shut the central nervous system down or they'll keep on coming. People can survive a stomach wound for several hours, with a punctured lung, you're still going to have some time before they slow down. With a leaking heart or liver, the oxygen in the brain runs out from low blood pressure and they'll pass out. See where I'm going here?

It's very empowering to carry a gun. There's not much that concerns me when I see shady characters around, but situational awareness is my greatest defense. Not being part of a bad situation is the best solution. I carry a gun because leaving fast enough isn't always possible. 99% of people who carry will never draw their weapon. I used a handgun twice in self defense before ever getting my permit - none since. I like it that way.

Jim is completely correct about needing the mentality to kill, which is one of the major reasons I will probably never carry a gun. Every physical altercation I have been in could have easily been avoided by me. Jim is also correct about situational awareness. I am always on the look out and scoping every place I am for who might be a threat.

In jiu-jitsu, we train self defense situations and some of them involve when someone pulls a gun, but nothing beats the ability to walk away. I will probably never be in a fight again and that is the way I want it. I totally respect your right to carry a gun, I just honestly have never seen a point (when in the City, not referring to on your property). If you carry for work, understandable, but I moved to a safe neighborhood on purpose. I am always prepared to defend my home but the best advice when in public is avoid dangerous situations. You also don't want to be someone who gets put on the news as a 'crazy' gun owner because you fire your weapon in a situation you shouldn't.

Just my opinion on the matter.
^^^That made my day....thanks MO:D
Good neighborhood or not, there's a lot of situations people get drawn into these days which they couldn't have avoided by walking away from.

Flash mobs are the reason I dumped my single stack 1911 for the double. 8 rounds might not be enough to get me out of there. I hope 13 is never needed.
Mo - you crack me up. I used to carry when I lived in a much rougher town and neighborhood. I used to literally answer the door with one hand with my revolver in the other. We had neighbors in the building that had folks try to force their way in and things. Overall it was just a bad side of town. I have since moved to a much more rural setting. You are still however likely to be met at the door by a firearm (ask mymother-in-law, who had a terrible habit of not knocking and just walking in).

I will agree the best tool you have is between your ears! Avoiding the situation as much as possible is always the best course of action. I was always told a gun will typically only escalate a situation and seldom resolve it. If you unholster it - you better intend on using it!

I don't carry anymore - I probably should (better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it). One thing that I need to do before I do again is get some sort of education on how the laws work in my state.
Concealed, 40 caliber S & W. Do quite a bit of road work in Detroit area. Always carry down there at work. When I'm not working, I never carry.
This thread got me to thinkin. Is toting a gun and a knife like wearing a belt and suspenders? 9mm and a sharp blade guy myself. Do a fair amount of work smack in the middle of the worst areas in town.
Good neighborhood or not, there's a lot of situations people get drawn into these days which they couldn't have avoided by walking away from.

Flash mobs are the reason I dumped my single stack 1911 for the double. 8 rounds might not be enough to get me out of there. I hope 13 is never needed.

I agree that there are many situations where folks are looking to cause mayhem ...

6 shooter is a power shot & splatter alternating over 6 loads ... designed for up close if attacked while in the vehicle. Convince 1 or multiple aggressors to re-think while I am creating an exit lane.

Several other options for different situations include a Sig Sauer 226 .40 cal with 12 in the waiting room. I am starting to look at 9 mm as more rounds and less explosive power but it is not about how many rounds, but how effective the 1st couple are ...
I am starting to look at 9 mm as more rounds and less explosive power but it is not about how many rounds, but how effective the 1st couple are ...

9mm +P is very effective, I can attest to that. 18 round capacity can come in handy when .45's would already be empty. And don't forget that followup shots with a 9mm are generally quicker and more accurate than those made with higher recoil calibers.
The poll needs a vote section for where its legal.

My residence bounces from Southern NJ to Florida. I frigin hate Florida weather because I can sweat in a snow storm. I hate NJ because Of its politics. I love FL because they still believe in America. When I moved to Fl the first time I had a conceal carry permit in exactly 11 days from the time I applied and 15 days from my arrival. Walked into bass pro and out with a sig. In NJ it takes 6 months to get the frigin pistol and you better never carry it.

So to answer the ? Where it is legal and in states that have reciprocity with FL I'm carrying.

I'm with Mo on this one. I've never been the sort to panic in any situation, you better get the drop on me cause I wouldn't have an oz of trouble ending it for someone who was a threat to me or my family. I've got more respect for the deer I shoot than most of the trash that's encountered where I've lived.

I guess I've lived to close to DC. Lots o trash.
S&W M&P .40 rides with me most places i go....and is usually in close contact at all times. its not a concealed carry gun...except in the winter when more and bulkier clothing is the norm. I open carry around the property or in situations when I'm out hiking or trout fishing up in the mountains.
I'm very surprised no one carries a 380 with all the lil carry pistols out there in this cal. I met a guy in the gun shop that got shot square in the deltoid with a 380. It lodged in his clavicle. He said it felt like somebody punched him really hard in the shoulder with a slight burning sensation added to it haha. Bet it would be a different story with a 9 or a 40 which with right ammo would have shattered his clavicle no doubt!
I'm very surprised no one carries a 380 with all the lil carry pistols out there in this cal. I met a guy in the gun shop that got shot square in the deltoid with a 380. It lodged in his clavicle. He said it felt like somebody punched him really hard in the shoulder with a slight burning sensation added to it haha. Bet it would be a different story with a 9 or a 40 which with right ammo would have shattered his clavicle no doubt!
The bangers around here love their little .25's. Them and .22's have small entry wounds and usually no exit wound, however they bounce around inside and tear organs apart.
Why carry a .45? Because they don't make a .46!!!!!
One of my friends boy got shot point blank with a 357.......twice.......and lived. Check it out!

It's not all about the caliber, it is highly dependant on the type and quality of ammunition. I've personally seen where a guy took two rounds from a .357 fired from less than 10 feet away. The guy "caught" one round in his baggie hoody and tried to keep it as a souvenir. The other round entered his forearm and pretty much stopped causing minimal damage. He now wears a tattoo over the wound that says "*uck you better luck next time". The ammo was old and not of very good quality to begin with. Dude likely being released on parole next year.

I wouldn't recommend anybody carry less than a .38 special +P round for self defense.

Edit... And please don't be cheap and lazy and carry FMJ target rounds. Get yourself some quality self defense stuff.
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group therapy 90.jpg enough said.
.22, .25, .32, 9mm, .38/.357, .40, .41, .45.............................................o_O


Are 300gr. solid soft points behind 55 grains of H110 good enough to be considered "quality self defense stuff". They stop charging wild boars in their tracks, I'm thinking they would have been ok as man-stoppers as well. ;) It only held 6 shots but you weren't hiding behind anything, because it would penetrate a car door at 25 yards and have no issue continuing on to put a hole in the door on the opposite side of the car. Ask me how I know.:eek::D
.22, .25, .32, 9mm, .38/.357, .40, .41, .45.............................................o_O

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Are 300gr. solid soft points behind 55 grains of H110 good enough to be considered "quality self defense stuff". They stop charging wild boars in their tracks, I'm thinking they would have been ok as man-stoppers as well. ;) It only held 6 shots but you weren't hiding behind anything, because it would penetrate a car door at 25 yards and have no issue continuing on to put a hole in the door on the opposite side of the car. Ask me how I know.:eek::D

I have a 6" barrel S&W model 629 (stainless version of the model 29) .44 mag I use as my "truck" gun :D
It's not all about the caliber, it is highly dependant on the type and quality of ammunition. I've personally seen where a guy took two rounds from a .357 fired from less than 10 feet away. The guy "caught" one round in his baggie hoody and tried to keep it as a souvenir. The other round entered his forearm and pretty much stopped causing minimal damage. He now wears a tattoo over the wound that says "*uck you better luck next time". The ammo was old and not of very good quality to begin with. Dude likely being released on parole next year.

I wouldn't recommend anybody carry less than a .38 special +P round for self defense.

Edit... And please don't be cheap and lazy and carry FMJ target rounds. Get yourself some quality self defense stuff.

Probably shooting cheap .38 ammo out of it...
Penetration is good, usually real good ;), but overpenetration can be a problem. What are those living in urban areas counting on for self defense INSIDE your home? Drywall and vinyl siding won't stop a rifle bullet, shotgun slug, 00 buck, or even high penetration pistol rounds. Don't forget about your neighbors or worse yet your family members on the other side of the wall in your home. It may sound crazy but birdshot is great load for self defense inside the home. At that close of a range you are going to put a real hurting on bad guy without endangering your family as much. Sorry if it sounds like I'm preaching this stuff but if I can pass some knowledge on the subject to even one person it could save the life of someone close to one of us.