What's for dinner?

I had a funnel cake at the county fair.....

Not sure if that's great or terrible...
Ribs look dry in the pic for some reason, but were great!

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Just cooked up some chestnuts here at work for guys to try...mixed results some liked them some didn't, a couple loved them. One guy was convinced I was trying to feed him buckeyes. I guess they are more of an acquired taste? I've always really liked them from the start. Sorry for no pics.
Honey mustad marinated chicken breast. Cut up the bacon and crisped it then used some of the grease to saute mushrooms which are on top of the chicken breast underneath the bacon and cheese
Honey mustad marinated chicken breast. Cut up the bacon and crisped it then used some of the grease to saute mushrooms which are on top of the chicken breast underneath the bacon and cheese

I want some. :).
Tuff to beat good scalloped potatoes.
That is a scalloped potato meal!
Damn! Gonna need those recipes Bill ...
Damn! Gonna need those recipes Bill ...

Chicken and dumplings.

3 cups flour
1/2 cup crisco
1 cup water
1 tsp salt

Mix together, break pieces off and roll with a rolling pin. Dust the center top and rolling pin with flour to keep from sticking. May need to more water or flour to get it to kneed right.

Roll to 1/8 to 3/16 thickness and cut into squares. Put in square casserole dish with wax paper between layers and refrigerate or freeze over night. (I like to freeze)

The next day

Boil a whole chicken (5-6 lbs) until it's falling apart in salted water with 1/2 sliced onion and a bit of garlic powder. When done save the broth pull apart chicken and set aside.

Put 1/2 the left over broth in the pot
(save the other 1/2 in case you need to add more as the dumpling absorbs it )

Add 32 oz of store bought seasoned chicken broth
1 16 oz can of turkey gravy
1 16 oz can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 cup chopped celery
Bring to a simmer add cold dumplings and simmer 1 hour

Remove from heat Add your chicken back in let stand for ten minutes or so.

Thicken with flour or thin with broth as needed.


Scalloped potatoes and ham

1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup flour
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
3 cups milk
Up 3 cups ham, cooked
1 large green pepper, chopped
1 large onion, chopped
1/2 cup cheddar cheese, shredded (I use 1 cup)
5 cups potatoes, pared and sliced

Melt butter in large sauce pan over low heat; cook pepper and onion until tender, blend in flour, salt, and pepper.
Cook, stirring constantly, for about 1 minute. Remove from heat gradually stir in milk.
Return to heat; cook until thickened and bubbly.
Fold in ham, and cheese. Pour over potatoes in a large bowl.
Stir gently then move into a buttered 13X9-inch baking dish; cover with foil.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Uncover and continue to bake for 1 hour.
Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.


Dutch oven duck legs, an p-t-turnips from the foodplot, carrots, celery, and onions.

First time trying turnips.
Not everyone in the house agreed with them.
A good slab of butter helped.
Pretty pungent, can see why deer would rather eat corn on the cob. Ha
First time trying turnips.
Not everyone in the house agre

I've tried twice but just can't bring myself to like them. Not make you puke bad, just not something that makes me want seconds.
Some good looking grub, boys !! ( last few pages )

Bill - Why no carrots in the chicken & dumplings ?? I thought carrots, onions, & celery were the start of most good chicken recipes !! I add some low-sodium seasoned salt to my C & D and chicken noodle soup, too. This isn't criticizing your recipe - I'd eat about a 5 gal. bucket of what's in your pic !!!!!!:emoji_grin: