What if you can't get fertilizer next year?

I live in a county that is strong in livestock production. Manure is golden! My renter just injected dairy pit manure on one field. The other field was done last fall.

I prefer chicken manure for my garden and hope I can get a few buckets this spring. Older chicken manure is better yet.

We have dairy operations, hog, turkey, and chicken facilities in my area.

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We have a bunch of dairy, turkeys, and hoggs in our area. They are all big operators and would not be able to spread in my plots.
Went tuesday and bought 8 bags of fertilizer. Most years been 4-6 bags. Making it last 2 years. 3 bags triple 15, 3 6-24-24, and 2 bags potash.

May need to buy 2 bags potash next year, maybe....... Growing oats for the fall.

I rotate where I shoot a deer. This year I bought an nclosed trailer, so this year will be my brother-in-laws cornfield a little less than 2 hours away. Camp out in da trailer.......

so, I dont have to have my plot A game at hunting camp or at home. This year I am converting a log landing to a plot, the dead trees n chips are rotten enough now. Also, making a wooden stand with roof for the "community" plot. 1st come 1st served for the stand there..... Everyone thinks the snowmobile trail by the road is a waste of a hunting day........ so, thats my spot where I see deer several times a day.........