Weeds question

Well, a garden and a food plot. Ever heard of a hoe? Let me be clear, its got a long wooden handle with a blade at the bottom. If you choose to spray, the only time you won't be spraying is in the winter unless you live in Florida. I think, if you can find an economic use for pigweed you can harvest a bumper crop every month!
Thanks for the sarcasm, not sure how I made it without knowing what a hoe was.
Thanks for the sarcasm, not sure how I made it without knowing what a hoe was.
It was humor! When I read it back to myself and read "hoe", well I guess I've been around too long!! Sorry.
It was humor! When I read it back to myself and read "hoe", well I guess I've been around too long!! Sorry.
Yeah, I got your humor. Just not funny. Seems you would fit well on the future QDMA forum, non existent.

See, humor.