
Got an inch and a half out at the farm yesterday and we are due for more this afternoon, I needed it!
Wouldn't mind a repeat today.
Slow rain off and on all day here on precipitation day #5. I look across the road and there's standing water between the rows of corn and beans in the commercial ag field where he plows, disc, cultivates, cultipacks, and plants. While my throw and mow food plot doesn't have a single puddle in it. Organic matter is a wonderful thing. Will some farmers never learn?

I am sure I am behind the times as for farming, I grew up farming, and back then profit margins were thin, especially for small farmers like me, 250 acres and less. I no longer farm, so things I know have changed. But throw and mow on a 250 acre farm wouldnt be time, or cost efficient for cash crops. Small scale, and hobby farmers I see it as a positive, but when the cost of seed is high enough, and you are gambling on whether you will be able to afford your payments, and possibly equipment repairs, to have to seed extra heavy to get a crop, it is hard to switch over to soil saving ways. Most equipment out there to harvest the crops are for row crops, and to purchase all new equipment, or modify yours to work a fraction as well, isnt justifiable to most. I agree throw and mow is best for the soil, and in the long run non cultivated soil will save you some money with less fertilizer, and amendments, but most cash crop farmers dont have the funds to take the leap.
Obviously the guy across the the road wouldn't throw and mow, but he could sell all that equipment he used and buy a no till drill.
Well the rain was a bust. We got a trace. More chances this week but I need some rain to get this millet germinated.
Rain. Sweet sweet rain
It keeps raining here..... Enough is enough..... If I had known it was going to rain this much.....I would have set my plots up to look like this! Looks like that now, but it's little corn plants! Corn don't like it!!!!!
We didn’t get but enough to wet the payment. Every “sure thing” turns into nothing.
The buckwheat in the pic was at the water’s edge not that long ago.F77C0E05-5EBC-4A7D-B32E-D572680E7226.jpeg

Creek on the east size of the property
Rain. Sweet sweet rain

I'm with you. Thankfully we got an inch Sunday night. But it's so darn dry you couldn't tell today. No doubt it will help but when the heat turns back on it may be to little to late.

Think I need some irrigation wells. I just can't figure out how to justify that for shooting a deer every 3 years or so....
.65” last night. Town southwest of us got hit by the second tornado in 3 years
We need rain here in Ontario. The forecast said we would get some yesterday, but we got none.
3.5” last night. Pond came up to June 1 levels. Could use more rain like that.
Last couple rains have only given us a fraction of what they were predicting. I fear we are in for a hot and dry July.
Last couple rains have only given us a fraction of what they were predicting. I fear we are in for a hot and dry July.
Predictions in our area this spring was for a hot wet summer. It seems to be holding true and the ditches are still full of water.
Pretty good light show last night for a very little rain, we got around a 1/4".

As usual we have had more than our fair share of rain in June. I got skunked while searching for totals but i'd guess it was approaching 10" for the month.
We ended up with over six inches of rain the month of June with most of it at the end of month and the last two weeks has been very HOT...couple days around 100 and very humid. The crops look great in the area beans knee high plus and the corn has tasseled just in last few days. And the weather must have been perfect for an explosion of Jap beetles...most I can ever remember seeing in our area...GOD I hate those things.
Ended up with .7 at my place but 2.5 on the hunting grounds. That makes 3in total since July 1. Talk about a god send. This will easily allow us to make it through July with few issues. Crops were doing fine trees had been showing some stress. Most everything we had been getting was in the .2-.5 range all spring. Should not have to bust out the water wagon till early Aug/later if we can just catch a few more timely rains. What a turn around from the hot mess of a "spring" we had.
We had 60+ MPH winds. Many farmers who planted their corn early have corn that is laying flat on the ground. The farmers that planted late due to weather conditions will fair much better. Their corn is standing fine due to the shorter height.
Governor declared a drought emergency for us today.
We got a good half inch of much needed rain last night, the first rain on my brassica planting.