
We are on pace for the warmest May on record. Got enough rain to go from extreme drought to just severe.

Took this pic last Thursday. Only got .15 in rain from it.
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We are on pace for the warmest May on record. Got enough rain to go from extreme drought to just severe.

Took this pic last Thursday. Only got .15 in rain from it.

Same in N MO. 90’s this week and it’s dry. Neighbor said his corn is shriveling. Weatherman says maybe Saturday. Hopefully we get a stray shower before then.
We got deluged trying to fish yesterday. Popped up right over us. Unfortunately it was 12 miles north of my house
Talking heavy rain tonight. Headed out to seed Milo in a bit.
Went out yesterday and spread fertilizer on my plots, I bet I just sent the rain away from here by doing this. We're suppose to be getting some starting just after noon today.

My sorghum mix seems to be coming up good.

Hurricane Alberto gave us 1.25" so far this morning. Very beneficial for planted trees. Hope everyone gets what they need.
Praying the heavy weather stays away
All over the place weather wise down FL way... early mid-February spring, followed by a cold (relatively speaking! :emoji_wink:) March, near bone dry April, only to have coastal pop-up storms and Alberto dump about 7" of rain on us the last two weeks of May. Now officially in hurricane season for the next 6 months... sure we'll get the chance to lose sleep for at least a few storms as the weatherman swing projection paths back and forth hundreds of miles every few hours when storms approach.
We had a nasty severe thunderstorm about 530. Somehow it took my Traeger off the concrete patio and got it over my pepper plants without damage landing it on a tomato plant. The wind was roaring.28EA382D-4B1B-4BAD-8AB5-A30E72D71B12.jpeg
We had a nasty severe thunderstorm about 530. Somehow it took my Traeger off the concrete patio and got it over my pepper plants without damage landing it on a tomato plant. The wind was roaring.

I'd be glad to pick up my yard if it would just rain! 90% chance today fizzled to nothing.
We'll give you some of ours, we have enough for now... half inch plus today, 2 plus inches a couple days ago... everything that is planted is doing fine but I still have a garden to finish putting in and my clay ground is like baby poo. I got my lawn mower stuck in the yard, the four wheeler couldn't pull it out, snapped my winch cable.... went and got the skid steer and dug it out, pretty much destroying part of my yard. Better than a drought but still a huge pain - its always one or the other these days; too much or too little
We'll give you some of ours, we have enough for now... half inch plus today, 2 plus inches a couple days ago... everything that is planted is doing fine but I still have a garden to finish putting in and my clay ground is like baby poo. I got my lawn mower stuck in the yard, the four wheeler couldn't pull it out, snapped my winch cable.... went and got the skid steer and dug it out, pretty much destroying part of my yard. Better than a drought but still a huge pain - its always one or the other these days; too much or too little

My father in law picked up a saying from his father in law. A dry year will scare you to death. A wet year will starve you to death..

I'm scared to death :).
Weather has not been kind for me. My spring plans was to start building a shop/garage/shouse. Ground breaking was originally planned for April 20th, we got 2 feet of snow, to go on top of the foot that was already on the ground. I couldn’t buy warm weather. Then the wait for the ground to thaw, and road restrictions to be lifted, which finally happened May 14th. The first 25 days of May brought 2 rain falls of .06” of rain. The excavator guy was so backed up, he couldn’t get to me until June 4th, this coming Monday. But now, I’m the last week, we had more then 5 inches of rain. So basically, I can push it off, or haul in extra gravel to get the job done now. Ol Mother Nature needs to give me a break this summer so I can get this thing done before fall.
I have a big storm bearing down on me. I worked late yesterday to get about 150 ROD cuttings and 12 swamp white oaks in. Now I'm off to plant some radishes and mow the lawn before the rain hits.

The storm is currently in Michigan, so you guys are probably getting soaked now.
I have a big storm bearing down on me. I worked late yesterday to get about 150 ROD cuttings and 12 swamp white oaks in. Now I'm off to plant some radishes and mow the lawn before the rain hits.

The storm is currently in Michigan, so you guys are probably getting soaked now.
Most of the rain has stopped here, we got about 3/10's. That gives us about 1.5" for the week here.
Weather has not been kind for me. My spring plans was to start building a shop/garage/shouse. Ground breaking was originally planned for April 20th, we got 2 feet of snow, to go on top of the foot that was already on the ground. I couldn’t buy warm weather. Then the wait for the ground to thaw, and road restrictions to be lifted, which finally happened May 14th. The first 25 days of May brought 2 rain falls of .06” of rain. The excavator guy was so backed up, he couldn’t get to me until June 4th, this coming Monday. But now, I’m the last week, we had more then 5 inches of rain. So basically, I can push it off, or haul in extra gravel to get the job done now. Ol Mother Nature needs to give me a break this summer so I can get this thing done before fall.

Hopefully it drys out for soon and head our way.
In Oregon at my BIL place. He has some acreage out here. Beautiful weather. Low to mid 70s during the day with high 40s to low 50s at night.
We have be in mid to upper 90’s several times. Had .05 inches of rain since the first week of May. My sweet corn has withered down. Had one five acre eagleseed bean plot destroyed by hogs, one five acre bean plot withering and about dead, and another 8 acre plot with about half germinated after two weeks. My two five acre sunflower fields are basically nothing. Already replanted one with browntop millet - which in itself was a mistake. The millet germinates, gets one inch tall, withers, and dies. The other sunflower field is probably at a 5% stocking rate. All my ladino clover was killed by flooding this past spring. This will be the first summer I have nothing for deer to eat. I am not sure how that is going to affect fall hunting - not holding a big bachelor herd or two all summer. At this point of the year - it is by far the worst I have seen for a food plotter.
We have so much rain in central Wi. It’s my best crop of misquotes I have ever grown. The swamps are over flowing !
We have so much rain in central Wi. It’s my best crop of misquotes I have ever grown. The swamps are over flowing !

In NW Wisconsin, we had a very dry May, until the end, and we made up for it in a weeks time. We gor about 7 inches of rain since last Thursday. It sure makes trying to dig a foundation rather difficult, especially when your building spot is pretty close to the water table anyhow.
We are pretty flipping wet over here in West Central WI too... I just finished tilling my garden last night, so far behind...