
They say it’s going to be wet in the Midwest this summer. Start buying mosquito spray if your working in the woods. The little vampires welcome me at the gate
They say it’s going to be wet in the Midwest this summer. Start buying mosquito spray if your working in the woods. The little vampires welcome me at the gate

I wouldn't put any faith in any forecast that is more than 2 days in front of you! :)

But I agree... get the skeeter spray. Took my dog to the river couple nights ago, opened my door and immediately go swarmed by them. Turned around and left
We are now in Late July apparently. Mid to upper 90s with heat index over 100 and no rain. Most of my buckwheat didn’t make it, nor did the food plot seed for the state. I have jap Millet and Browntop Millet on Order as an emergency backup.
Well the forecast for the weekend for my area is upper 80s to mid 90s. With 4-6 inches of rain. Which really sucks, because I am trying to build, and my building site was just getting dry enough to finish prepping the site to do the concrete work. This will push me back a few more weeks.

For something that was suppose to be dugout back on April 20th, sure has drug on.

Mother Nature isn’t cooperating with my plans, at all!
Well since Thursday we got 6 inches of rain. Not really what I was hoping for.
Your getting pounded again today - looks like a couple areas got 10"
Meanwhile we are so dry cows are dying after getting stuck in mud trying to get to water.
Meanwhile we are so dry cows are dying after getting stuck in mud trying to get to water.

I opted not to mow this clover patch in May. By now it should be choked with weeds and solid lush green.

Welcome to August!

I opted not to mow this clover patch in May. By now it should be choked with weeds and solid lush green.

Welcome to August!

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Dang Bill, that looks like us here in GA a couple of years ago. We’ve been in the 90’s quite a bit here but have had decent rain for the last few months, unfortunately the pop up showers have been missing my lease for the last 3 weeks or so and it’s starting to get very dry here too!
All of our rain has been coming in the form of severe thunderstorms. Friday morning, friday night, saturday evening, and off and on all day today. High winds and a little hail here and there. Haven't been able to do a damage check in the orchard or nursery yet, but did see that one graft on my frankentree is broken.
Hit 101 here yesterday and the next couple days is going to be hot too. We could really use some rain, north and south of us have been getting almost too much but with the heat and wind it dries everything out pretty quick my ponds are down a foot and a half. Last good rain was over a week ago and our spring was drier than normal.
I remember about 2007 or so I was working at the FD but it was my day off. We had training thunderstorms and got 9” in 3 hours. The guys at work got busy with houses being hit by lightning and water rescues. They put out an all call to recall off duty personnel. Mind you it was like 2 am and pitch black. I was headed to work my usual way when a lightning flash illuminated the road ahead. Flood water was flowing across the road guardrail high. To this day I had never seen water across that road before, and haven’t seen it since. I got real lucky. Got to work with 2 structure fires and 10 water rescues holding.
The rains Friday and overnight last night were needed. It was starting to dry out as the spotty stuff had been missing or only sprinkling on us.
Been getting storms here on a regular basis, but it's currently hot and muggy.....temps in the mid 90's with heat index of 100 or more.... The ag corn is doing great in my area, most of it is well past 3 feet tall. My plot corn isn't even close, but my time frame and farmers is WAY different. Got more chances for rain later in the week again here. The bad thing is that it rains so hard it has nowhere to go and causes short term flooding. Everything that isn't in a low spot where the rain will collect seems to be doing well however.
The rains Friday and overnight last night were needed. It was starting to dry out as the spotty stuff had been missing or only sprinkling on us.

Speak for yourself. I checked the rain gauge this morning and it was over 5 inches overnight. It was still raining...
and we woke up to more rain today.........................................................................................................
Slow rain off and on all day here on precipitation day #5. I look across the road and there's standing water between the rows of corn and beans in the commercial ag field where he plows, disc, cultivates, cultipacks, and plants. While my throw and mow food plot doesn't have a single puddle in it. Organic matter is a wonderful thing. Will some farmers never learn?
One of the cracks in the yard.